Thursday, December 1, 2005

Bringing In Holidays And Closing Out The Year

Once again it's another 1st of the new month post and I've grown tired of trying to recap what went on in the past 30 days on my blog. However, since it's been my little tradition around here, I guess I kind of have to do it. If I didn't, it would be like breaking a holiday tradition. It would be Thanksgiving without turkey, it would be Christmas without snow or New Years Eve without alcohol - now that would be really tragic! So to catch everyone up to speed if they are new to my site, missed a few posts or maybe the die hard readers just like reminiscing of posts past like Ebenezer Scrooge, then here you go. This is the quick rundown on what went down in the month of November, played back like the ghost from Christmas past.

Early on in the month I gave the HNT (Half Naked Thursday) fad a try. I did it once or twice last month and I'm not sure if I will do it again. Although it was something different to tryout and being different I feel is sometimes a very good thing. By the end of the month, I had to turn on "comment moderation" to help curb a few people who liked to bitch more than T.O. himself. It's something I wish I didn't have to do, but felt was necessary and I learned that many of my readers agreed with that move. So I thank you for backing me on that.

I'm still kicking myself a little for missing out on a great moblog opportunity. My phone decided to die on me while I was standing underneath a very rare double rainbow that stretched across the sky one Sunday afternoon. I still posted about the experience, just minus the cool photo that should of accompanied it. One thing that I didn't miss is the news of David Cooperfields magical conception where he was going to impregnate a woman live on stage via magic! It's a show I have yet to see and I wonder if it has already come and gone. Anyone hear when he plans to do this or if it was already done?

I threw in a couple mods and hacks for my readers last month. I showed you how to turn a pumpkin into a working PC and then I gave you a little step-by-step guide on how to hack an elevator. I'm happy to hear this helped alot of you out during your daily commutes. So I guess doing that post was worthwhile. Later on I told everyone how they could treat themselves to a $2 lobster meal. It's defiantly not a classy date if you go this route, but it was more about the kill, conquer and the shear shock that anyone could eat a seafood meal for just 2 crummy bucks! What's dinner without a movie right? Well then grab some popcorn and take a seat to watch Panda Bear porn! Yeah, that's right. Scientists are now making Panda porn flicks to get the bears "in the mood". If that study wasn't crazy enough for you, scientists put in some long lab hours inventing bubble gum to increase breast size in women. YEAH!

The month of November wouldn't be complete without a handful of posts related to one of my favorite holidays - Thanksgiving. I'm not sure if anyone tried making the Beer Turkey I talked about. However, Thanksgiving isn't just about the turkey, it's about family. I made a point to convey that message in my writing. I gave everyone a glimpse how close I am with my family and what the holidays are like at my Mom's house. Sure I was thankful for all the great food to eat, but it never overshadowed the fact that I am most thankful for sharing it with the people I grew up with. To have those who have helped mold my life and the person I am today, all together in one house for one meal, is a real blessing. Even if the sadness sets in once the bird is gone and the family has dispersed again, I know in my heart that it's only a month away before we get to do it all over and that makes me happy once more. Of course it just wouldn't be November if I didn't talk about Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Finally, I had thrown in a stress reduction kit for all of you suffering from holiday madness. I hope by now you've cleaned the blood off your desk after using the kit and you are ready for a fresh month of blogging with me. As I passed my 20,000 hit and I'm creeping up on the 365th post mark, it's almost mandatory that I keep blogging at least until the year is up. I never thought I would stick with blogging for as long as I have and I'm not sure where I'll go with it, but I suppose none of us really know what the New Year will bring. I'm finding less and less free time to do this. Enjoy the blog and all my embarrassing/humorous tales while they last.

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