Wednesday, December 21, 2005

All I Want For Christmas

The other week I finally got around to getting a Christmas tree and decorating it. As I hung each ornament and wove the lights thru branch after branch, it brought to mind all the years growing up when we would fight over who got to decorate the tree. It sounds silly thinking back to it, that we actually fought over some crappy homemade popsicle stick stars incased with lumpy glue and glitter. I think it was more of my sisters that argued over it and I just jumped into the mess because I figured if it was a big deal to them, then maybe it was something special after all. Thankfully these days I don't have tacky ornaments like that, but sadly I also don't have that same Christmas spirit as I did when I was a kid. It's only normal as you grow-up that some of that thrill wears off. I didn't expect it to last forever, but I did kind of expect that I would have a girlfriend this Christmas and I don't. So if I was to write my gift wish list right now, it would simply have...1) Girlfriend. That would be the beginning and end of my wish list.

I don't mean for that to sound sad, pathetic, silly or whatever you want to call it. I say it because it's true. It's not that I'm that unhappy with my current status or I'm in some rush to get into a new relationship. I'm fine, but I could be better and that is one of the things I feel might add to my happiness and give me a more content feeling. Since it is the holidays, it's only human to crave a little extra affection right now. I'm sure I could have a girlfriend this time of the year if I was just looking to fill the vacant position. However, I'm not looking to do that. I don't want just any girlfriend, but "the perfect fit girlfriend". I don't expect her to be perfect as a person, but she needs to fit me perfectly, fit my heart and I hope I would be the perfect fit for hers too. Someone that closes up that little hole in my life and makes it feel complete. To find that perfect balance of friendship, love and support that doesn't waiver from day to day. In the past I have entrusted my heart in not the safest of hands, but in a sense that is nobody's fault but my own. I should of known better and now that I know better, I will do better. I'm a little weary of putting myself out there like I have done before, but I am willing to do it...with the right person of course.

I know my Mom always nags me every year to write a gift wish list for Christmas and if I was to write "girlfriend" on a piece of paper and hand it to her, well that's not something she can just buy in a store. Wait...I take that back. You can pickup one of those blowup girlfriends, but that is gross and not very emotionally fulfilling. Besides, guys that have blowup girlfriends I don't think have ever had, or will ever have, a real girlfriend in their lifetime. Now that is sad, pathetic and silly.

They say you will meet the right person when you least expect it, when you aren't even looking. You are more likely to meet them in an untraditional way rather than thru some blind date your friend sets you up on. So is it safe to say that there is a good chance that Santa will drop the girl of my dreams down my chimney? I would be asleep so I wouldn't be "looking" and it defiantly fits the "untraditional" method of meeting someone right? So Santa I know at times this year I've bounced between your Naughty and Nice Lists, but keep in mind that this nice guy sometimes has a bad boy side so you will have to forgive. I know love is the gift that keeps on giving year round, but I also know that you can't wrap love up and put it under my tree. Instead I am not asking for love, but rather a gentle nudge in the right direction. I hope that's not too much to ask. Just help me find a girl who has girlfriend potential. A girl who is sugar and spice and everything nice...along with a splash of extra naughty should suffice.

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