Friday, December 2, 2005

What Is Wrong With This Picture?

As many of you know, my favorite show and just about the only TV show I watch is "The Apprentice". I faithfully TIVO every episode on Thursday night so I can come home, FF thru the commercials and get right to the great Donald firings! The opening song to the show pumps me up and don't think I am a shallow money hungry guy, but yeah the green does matter in life to a point. What I really crave more is the never ending pursuit of success. To take nothing and turn it into something I think is a great challenge and definitely holds my interest, motivating me above and beyond where many people dare not venture. Although, this post isn't about me, nor is it about business practices. What it's about is my utter confusion in the attraction of the sexes. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but what the f*ck is this all about...

Last night as I sat and watched yet another great episode of The Apprentice, my mouth dropped. My jaw didn't hit the floor when Trump fired 2 candidates at the same time, which by the way was completely deserving considering their Microsoft Live Meeting commercial was a complete disaster! No, my jaw hit the floor when I saw the winning team nicknamed "Excel", made-up of remaining candidates Randal and Rebecca, go off to enjoy their victory. Their reward after winning a hard fought task was taking a cruise around Manhattan on the deck of a Shearwater 82-foot classic schooner, AKA yacht. It wasn't the boat that made me stare in disbelief, it was the Napoleon Dynamite look-alike that made an appearance. That is the moment in which my jaw hit the floor.

In my opinion, Rebecca is pretty damn cute. At just 23, she has made her biggest impact as a Chicago-based investment banker, branched out doing news segments for NBC and is now a financial journalist. Obviously the girl is smart and successful, all of that plus the fact she is good looking just tells me she should have a decent looking boyfriend right? Wrong. As Rebecca is relaxing on the yacht, she is given a surprise. Her boyfriend appears. He is there to join her for the sail. The two are shown cuddling up...and my stomach just turned again as I wrote that. As you can see from the photo above, the guy is a D-o-r-k! Yes, a Dork with a capital D. I mean come on, I may not have the clearest shot posted, but you have to see that! He shocked my eyes with his picnic table shirt, his red curly fro and just being an overall pasty, puney looking guy. Do women find that type of man attractive? Please tell me because I was under the impression that anyone who resembles Napoleon Dynamite just doesn't turn a girl on. Am a right or am I wrong here?

We all know that people tend to date others on "their level" in terms of looks unless that money factor comes into play. Then you will see gross looking dudes with these super hot model types on their arm. For proof of that, we don't have to look any farther than Trump and his wife. That woman is breath-taking to put it lightly! We all know The Donald has personality, but let's be real. Melania Knauss is in that marriage for the money honey. So the reason I am so confused with this photo above is because Rebecca has money herself. She isn't looking for Mr. Money Bags. Rebecca is smart, she wouldn't "settle" for anyone, or at least I don't think so. Rebecca is young and good looking, so what is she doing with Napoleon there? I am confused. I know you have to look deeper than skin deep and perhaps this guy is one hell of a funny guy, sweet guy, romantic or something. Whatever it is, I hope he possess some amazing qualities because if not, it's really a shame she is cuddling up with this Bozo.

Randal has always been my pick for this years apprentice winner since day 1 of the show. I liked him from the get-go for many reasons. One reason of course being that he is in the same profession as me, running a technology consulting business. Beyond that, the guy is just very bright and talented. His academic career is impressive and the manner in which he conducts himself and handles business is equally impressive and very admirable. At age 34, Randal is a few years ahead of me in terms of age, but I feel like I can relate to him the best out of any of the other candidates. I love the fact that he doesn't have time for drama. That has always been one of my pet-peeves, drama. I see him going on to win this and if he doesn't win, I will be disappointed...unless he manages to royally screw up in the next 2 weeks of the show. Anyway, I'm sorry Rebecca. You are beautiful, smart and talented but I just don't see you being The Donald's next apprentice. With Randal being your competition, the cards are not stacked in your favor. However I do wish you luck. Then when you wise up and dump clown haired boy there, give me a call.

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