Thursday, December 29, 2005

Real JLo Nude Photos & Sex Video?

The gift giving isn't over yet if this rumor holds any truth and delivers on what men around the world have been waiting to see - the super sexy JLo caught on camera doing some XXX booty shaking. Someone may soon leak real nude photos and a sex video of none other than Jennifer Lopez! In what could hopefully (fingers crossed) become the next incident involving stolen footage of beautiful celebs baring all, Marc Anthony (Mr. JLo) has been the victim of a tech jacking. The NYPD's Computer Investigation and Technology Unit was recently dispatched to Anthony's pad to investigate the theft of his laptop. The reason that this story is interesting is because this thief is demanding a cool 1 million bucks for the safe return of Anthony's computer. This leads people to speculate that the notebook contains anything from nude shots of Ms. Lopez to Pam/Fred/Paris-style shenanigans.

It may be the best gift of all and one that comes already unwrapped! So who wants to see JLo naked? Show of hands please. That's right, my hand shot straight up in the air and I bet most of the guys reading this have their hand in the air waiving too. Apparently JLo's "love does cost a thing". Whether or not this ransom money will be paid is not yet know, neither is the fact whether or not this laptop contains any valuable data - valuable meaning JLo naked or engaging in a sex act of course. For a woman that is said to have her best "asset" (her ass) insured for $1,000,000 you would think she would have her hubby's laptop insured as well. Then again if he is anything like the previous men in her life, I can see why she didn't bother to extend the financial coverage to include his belongings too. She probably wasn't expecting this marriage to last long enough for the due date of the first insurance to arrive.

My thoughts on this story...the crime is real, but the thief is bluffing when it comes to the ransom. I doubt there is anything exciting on that laptop. I think this is just a way to stir up a frenzy, make people speculate and give the media something to talk about. This crook may think he's being clever by demanding a million dollars in exchange for the laptop, but what he doesn't realize is that all this hype is just drawing more attention to him and making him easier to catch. I don't see Mr. and Mrs. JLo handing over all that cash for the safe return of their computer, nor do I see the computer ever being returned - ransom or no ransom. Whether or not this thief will be caught I don't know, but it's a safe bet to say the couple isn't falling for this hoax.

However, IF there is some naughty JLo material floating around, I am offering Ms. Lopez a "safe place" in which to store such data - on my computer's hard drive. That way anytime she wants to flip thru a slideshow of all her nude shots or replay that homemade porno of hers, all she needs to do is call on me and I will send her the files. I won't charge her a million dollars. In fact I won't charge her a penny. I'll do it all for free because I'm nice guy and I believe in protecting all her "assets". Of course I will have to browse these files myself from time to time just to make sure I have a good copy on hand to send her at a moment's notice. Hey, it's a rough job but somebody has to do it.

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