Tuesday, December 13, 2005

My 15 Minutes Of Fame

We all go thru stages in our lives where we shine momentarily. It could be making the game winning catch during your little league baseball game as a kid. It could be landing the leading role in your Jr High School play. It could be getting accepted into that college of your dreams. It could be popping the question to the love of your life and getting a "yes". It could be the birth of your first child. As you can see, it can be alot of things. Some would classify those events as "proud moments", while others would call that "your 15 minutes of fame". So what about 15 minutes of fame in the blogosphere...is there such a thing?

It may sound a little silly, but just like promoting a business is a great way to get your name out there, so is promoting a blog. Now I don't promote my blog myself, but of course I'm flattered when someone else wants to do the promoting for me, especially when it's their idea to do so. Such is the case when a fellow blogger by the name of Shirazi decided to do a little review of my blog on his site "The Light Within". I want to take a moment and link back to his post Reviews - One Year Of Blogging and say thanks! Below is a copy of his post in it's original format. (Just one small note, I'm not 20. I'm in my 20s. Other than that, I think he did a nice review. Thanks again.) If 15 minutes of fame exists in the blogosphere, I guess this would be my time. I'll savor it because in 16 minutes, nobody will give a crap about me again. Ha-ha.

In January 2005, Diamondkt started his blog with New Year's resolutions “to update this blog on a daily basis.” This is a personal blog that is “a creative outlet for expressing myself and I enjoy having a little corner on the net that I can share tech news and other info with the world,” says Diamondkt. Besides technology, blog covers so many things from promotion to showing his diverse interests and a lot (of fillings in the blank) in between.

Tech savvy as he is at the age 0f 20 (Network Security Consultant), his every post is worth visiting the site for. I started reading his site a long time ago. I read it, and didn't think too much of it. Then I started gleaning through his comment section just to see how conversations go there. What I fond after each post is very interesting – substantial, focused, flames and more. So I read, and read and read some more. I am hooked.

I think there are two types of bloggers when it comes to writing about things in the cyber world. There are those that try to influence you straight forward, and those that do it subtly. Diamondkt does it very well in the later form.

His design is simple. The best part is, it works! Everyone has what he or she would call his or her daily reads. Some vary between different types of weblogs, while others stick to one genre. If this doesn't fit into your type, you can (and should) make it fit.

PS: Leave your URL and electronic contac in comments for reviews.
posted by Shirazi at 9:07 AM

In the past I've had an interview conducted by blogger "Gina Burgess" and another small review of my blog done by blogger "EXSENO". You can find the links to both posts here...

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