Friday, December 16, 2005

Jealousy And Envy, A Bitter Mix

I didn't intend on writing a post about jealousy and envy, but after watching last night's TIVOed Apprentice finale, I have to vent. As you know, I watch little TV but I am heavily addicted to The Apprentice. I've watched every season and I'm sure I will watch next season. If you followed along this year, you know that I was pulling for fellow computer consultant Randall from day 1. I saw him making it to the final episode and I wasn't at all surprised when he actually was one of the remaining 2 candidates in line to be Donald Trump's next apprentice. His competition was nobody to take lightly either. Despite her cute looks and sweet personality, Rebecca has hard work ethic and "can do" attitude. I think she's amazing and was the perfect pick to go head to head with Randal. In a previous post I confidently predicted that she would not win the job with Trump. However, as I watched both Randal and Rebecca delegate their final tasks, my mind was beginning to change and I sensed Randal would be going down in flames.

The point of this post isn't to recap last night's show. If you watched the show, then you know how it ended and if you didn't watch it, then chances are you don't care how it ended. However for argument sake, I'll simply tell you that Randal got the job. However, Randal was given the chance to speak up on Rebecca's half so that she too could be hired as well. Surprisingly, he dropped the ball and left off a bomb by turning around and saying that there should only be 1 apprentice and that Trump should not also hire Rebecca. This load of crap coming out of Randal's mouth after he openly patted Rebecca on the back and continued to repeat how great she was and stressed how much he respected her. Randal then goes and shows his true colors - colors of jealousy and envy. It was bitter. It was ugly. It was the moment that I lost all respect for the guy. I know business is business and you can't always be a nice guy, but this was uncalled for. It was like stabbing someone in the back without rhyme or reason. I simply don't see how he could justify his actions. The point of this post is to express my disgust, not just in Randal, but in people in general that allow jealousy and envy to take over them.

What is wrong with people that they give into spite and resentment at seeing the success of another? What harm does it do you to see another succeed, prosper and be happy in life? Randal had no legitimate reason as to why Rebecca shouldn't also be awarded a job with the Trump organization. Randal would still be getting a paycheck so what does he care whether or not Rebecca's paycheck comes from the same employer? I'll tell you why, because Randal is a bitter man. He touches your heart with the dead Grandmother story of how he had to overcome her death and return to The Apprentice show to continue on. Look, I'm sorry about your Grandmother, but stop milking it already. That also goes for Rebecca and her sad tale overcoming the broken ankle. We all have hardships and hurdles to overcome in life, but you pick yourself up and carry on. You don't sit and whine about it and make a point to bring it up every chance you get so a pity party can be thrown on your behalf. It gets really old and annoying. I know that may sound cold, but someone has to say it and I bet the rest of America is feeling the same way I do. The show paints a pretty picture of how caring Randal is, fair and just, when in fact there is no bigger injustice than the moment he opened his mouth to discourage Trump from also hiring Rebecca. I was so disappointed with this guy. He's a bright man and I thought had alot of depth in his character, but it turns out his character is about as see-thru as the mop of hair upon The Donald's head!

Nobody is perfect and the most confident of us at times can show our insecurity thru jealous and envious acts. It's a very unadmirable quality in a human being, some would go as far to call it "a sin". The occasional slipup is not bad, but it's the people that live their lives with this mindset that I just can't relate to. They will do everything in their power to try and make you fail, look bad or appear inferior to them. They will publicly degrade another at all costs in which the only goal is make themselves feel a false sense of power or they hope to appear superior to others. It's a God-like mentality, a righteousness, a sense of entitlement. Their mission is to put another down, hold them back, negatively influence their happiness and success in life. It's their selfish and vindictive nature that feeds this behavior. Without mercy, they are vicious. It's completely uncalled for and highly inappropriate. The thing is, most of the time all their hateful efforts are a waste. They soon discover that they can not control the outcome and happiness of another life the way they wish they could. In the end, the power struggle is lost and they look sad and pathetic for devoting so much time to their bitter cause.

So what did Randal have to lose? Nothing. However, what he gained is much disrespect. His loyalty went right out the window and if Trump didn't see that, then he needs to rewind the TIVO and play it again. Perhaps he didn't brow beat Rebecca in an obvious way, but what he did do was nothing short of showing jealousy and envy. Here he is, the guy who should be proud of his new job hiring and allow others to envy his accomplishment, but instead he is too wrapped up in making sure another collage doesn't succeed. That is just wrong. I'll always be the first guy to stand up and shake the hand of someone who just accomplished a goal. There is no bitterness. There is no jealousy or envy. There is much respect for a job well done. I will admire their hard work and efforts. I will show my admiration for them with a well deserving pat on the back and a word of encouragement. A congratulations is due and rightfully so. I didn't see if Rebecca stood to shake Randal's hand after the show, but if I was to take a guess based on the character she displayed when hearing Randal detest the fact that he felt she shouldn't also be hired, I would be willing to bet that she was a class act and graciously accepted defeat. Of course Rebecca probably won't ever read this and if we were in the same line of business, I would be more than happy to have a person of her caliber work with me. Don't feel bad for Rebecca. This is a woman that won't be held back or discouraged. She will find the happiness and success she deserves because the world has a funny way of rewarding good people great things in life. Mark my words.

Be appreciative of my blog effort today. I will be doing 2 posts! Impressive huh? Yes, 2 posts today despite the fact that I am sick. It seems that I picked the wrong day to work from home. I should of went into work yesterday and did the telecommute thing today. I no longer have the luxury of conducting business in my boxers, but I do have a tie on that could be used as an emergency bib should I happen to puke on myself. Just kidding, but I have caught some type of stomach flu going around. However, it's my lucky tie so I don't want to deface it. Now that I think about it, yesterday I wore my lucky boxers but nothing lucky happened, nor did I even "get lucky" - bummer. I think this nausea is making me delirious and rambling more than usually. The day isn't up yet, so perhaps my luck will turn around a cute girl will bring me Cup-A-Noodle so I feel better...crossing my fingers.

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