Friday, December 9, 2005

Here She Comes, Miss America (sing it)

The butterflies have started. All the prepping and preparing is about it pay off. The moment draws near. You can feel the excitement building. Did you think I was talking about a beauty pageant? Nope, I'm talking about me. Don't worry, I'm not in a Miss America pageant or any other contest, which is good because I don't shave my legs. However, I do feel a little nervous...not as nervous as a virgin on prom night, but a little uneasy feeling. You see, a girl I had a huge crush on years ago is in town and will be staying with me this weekend. Not just any girl, a former Miss America contestant! Sounds like something steamy may take place right?

Nope, not really. The catch - she's newly married. Yes, boo to that (um, I mean congrats). Nevertheless, I'm still looking forward to hanging out with her and seeing how she is. I think we will have alot of fun, in a platonic way of course...remember there's a rock on her finger and a big one at that. It's a symbol similar to those giant red stop signs you see on the road. Of course we all know not everyone obeys that rule, but I will. The "good boy halo" is on.

This weekend should be interesting. It's starting off interesting already by waking up to 6 inches of snow. (I'm glad I have an SUV with 4-wheel drive because my car would never make it out of my driveway.) Last night I kept my phone by me and tabs on the weather reports coming in from Pittsburgh International Airport because I was expecting her to be flying in from Chicago. With the snow storm hitting the east coast pretty hard throughout the night, I was certain I would get news of her flight being delayed, redirected or canceled. Surprisingly it stayed on course with only a slight 10 minute delay. The snow and frigid temps here is nothing compared to "The Windy City". The city of Chicago is great, but the weather they get leaves little to be desired. Anyway, she arrived. Wow, did she arrive. One quick glance over towards her terminal and I soon remembered why I had such a huge crush on her a few years back. The girl is beautiful, almost too beautiful. A big smile, pretty eyes, nice's almost like she could win a beauty pageant. Wait a minute, she did. As she was walking toward me, I greeted her with the famous "Miss America wave" - a dumb joke that I knew she would get and appreciate. It made her laugh, so we are off to a good start already and no awkwardness is felt, at least not on my end.

Ok, so she didn't win the Miss America crown, but she was in the pageant. Since then she took a job as a pharmaceutical sales rep, got married, moved to Chicago and is now living with her husband and their zero kids. I presume she's happy and by the look on her face at the airport, I would say she was in a good mood. It can sometimes be difficult to be in a good mood after flying for a few hours, not to mention all the security checks and other crap you have to go thru when it comes to traveling these days, but she managed to pull it off. I'm not surprised though, she was always a really upbeat person to be around. I think that is one of the many qualities about her that I was so attracted to.

She's in town for business, but during the hours she won't be working, she needs have some fun. So that is where I come into the picture. I will be her "entertainment host", if there is such a title. Sitting in a boring hotel room watching TV alone isn't fun so awhile back I invited her to stay with me since she doesn't have any family that lives here. Of course initially she said she didn't want to impose on me and asked me if I thought it would be "weird" if she stayed at my place. Given the fact I haven't seen her in awhile and also because she knows I use to droll over her in the past, I can see the reasoning for her hesitation. Honestly though, I thought it might be a little awkward at first, but she's married now so it's not like I still have a crush on her or anything. The droll has dried and I've gotten over her. So I let her know that as long as she feels comfortable with it, I'm comfortable with it and it's no bother at all.

My sister was roommates with her thru college and they still remain good friends to this day - that is how I met her. She is a few years older than me and the one weekend my sister came home during college, she brought this girl with her. I think that is when my puppy love began. I was still in high school at the time so it was sort of a no-brainer that she wouldn't go out with me considering she saw me as "a kid" and also grouped me into the "he's like my little brother" category. I knew that would be a tough image to overcome in her eyes, but I didn't give up. I guess I had some big balls (or was just plain stupid) at 17 to hit on a college girl as good looking as she was. I never really thought she would go out with me. In fact, if she would of, I had no game plan in mind as where we would even go or do. As you can see, I was a real rookie back then. Despite my slim chances of scoring a date with her, I tried everything I knew how to get her to see me as "date worthy". Finally when I was 19 and in college myself, I thought it's now or never - I asked her if she wanted to go out. I remember being so nervous, tripping over my tongue and feeling my whole body go up 10 degrees from the pressure. I'm sure she noticed my "unsmoothness", how could she not? Of course I got the answer that I dreaded to hear. It was the "I see you more as a friend" speech. We all know that is the worst, but what could I do? I had to accept it and move on. Luckily I've only been turned down for a date twice in my life so I can't complain too much. For all the yes's I have had, it's only normal that a couple no's will squeeze in there. That's life.

Now for the good news/bad news...about 2 years ago my sister revealed a little secret to me. A secret that I would of loved to of heard 10 years ago when I was drooling over this girl. Unfortunately she didn't see me like this 10 years ago, but apparently she sees me alot different as of 2 years ago. Miss America (I'm giving her that nickname to protect her identity on the blog) was looking at some photos at my sisters apartment and saw a family picture with me in it. She told my sister she didn't even recognize that was me and made the comment "he really grew up and filled out and I can't believe that's him now, you have a hottie for a brother". I can see why my sister didn't want to tell me that. She knew it would go to my head and of course it must have somewhat because I remember word for word what she said. I guess it just now makes me happy that after all those years of me trying to get her to notice me the way I wanted her to see me, she finally has. Of course the bad news is that it's a little too late - she's married now. So nothing will come from it accept the fact that I now know that for all the effort and worry I put into things back then, the day finally came where it paid off. It might of not been the "payday" that I was hoping for with a date now, but still I got her to see me as something other than the "kid brother type" image. Even though I'm single, she's married so we will keep things platonic and I will show her a good time this weekend. Maybe when the weekend is up, she will fly home's good to give someone a chance and maybe I should of gave him a chance back then because you never know what could of developed from it.

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