Thursday, December 8, 2005

Fighting Off Cancer One Kegstand At A Time

If you are lame and you really need a good excuse to validate your actions of cutting loose and partying a little, well now you just may have a good enough reason to rationalize that beer in your hand. If you don't already have a beer in hand, I suggest you belly up to the bar or assume the kegstand position and chug because there is scientific proof that drinking beer can save you from getting cancer! Now there is news that beer contains an anti-cancer compound. As you probably know, beer contains the ingredient "hops". Within the hops, there is a compound which is said to actually help prevent the growth of certain cancers. Of course this study is rapidly gaining the attention of college kids everywhere. Finally, a brilliant explanation to tell your parents why you spent all your tuition money on booze. "I'm trying to save my life, better my life, just like you told me." That's my line, but I'll let you use it.

Researchers at Oregon State University (wow, how odd a beer research study was conducted on a college campus) first discovered the cancer-related properties of this flavonoid compound called xanthohumol about 10 years ago. A recent publication by an OSU researcher in the journal Phytochemistry outlines the range of findings made since then. Many other scientists in programs around the world are also beginning to look at the value of these hops flavonoids for everything from preventing prostate or colon cancer to hormone replacement therapy for women. Quite a bit is now known about the biological mechanism of action of this compound and the ways it may help prevent cancer or have other metabolic value, but even before most of those studies have been completed, efforts are under way to isolate and market it as a food supplement. A "health beer" with enhanced levels of the compound is already being developed. I have to ask...will this "health beer" taste any good and get your f-ed up? As you know, that's important too.

The bad news is that scientists can't officially say that that drinking beer will help prevent cancer. Most beer has low levels of this compound and its absorption in the body is also limited. However, if ways can be developed to significantly increase the levels of xanthohumol or use it as a nutritional supplement, then that might be different. It clearly has some interesting cancer chemopreventive properties and the only way people are getting any of it right now is through beer consumption. Say no to cancer and chemo. Say yes to hops and beer. I'll drink to that!

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