Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The 36 Hour Boner! One Man's True Tale

If that post title didn't catch your attention, I don't know what would. This isn't a story about a Viagra patient or someone who used any of those other male erectile dysfunction drugs. It's a true tale about a 32-year-old man named Lawrence Koomson. He is a doctor living and working in London. Lawrence has a secret. His secret isn't just that he gets hard-ons that last 36 hours. Although that is impressive and somewhat frightening, not to mention most likely painful. No, Lawrence's secret is that he never hit puberty! It's hard to believe, but he was born with a medical disorder called "Kallmann's syndrome" and as a result, he's literally trapped in the body of a 12-year-old boy. Being a straight man, obviously it's difficult for him to approach woman when he has a high pitch voice, petite figure and a baby smooth face. Of course I did it, but then I really was 10 and the girl was 9. Anyway, back to Lawrence...

Kallmann's syndrome is a rare condition affecting predominantly men, but also women. A small area in the brain called the hypothalamus cannot work properly causing a hormonal imbalance. For men like Lawrence, this means his body doesn't produce testosterone, which prevents puberty being triggered. Another characteristic of Kallmann's syndrome is an absent sense of smell. Having Kallmann's syndrome can lead to extreme difficulties, especially during adolescence, when all one's peers are going through puberty. The consequences of delayed puberty and not becoming sexually mature naturally has an impact on sufferers' lives. Lawrence felt the pressure to "change" and sought the help of medical treatment in April 2005 to bring on puberty. Initially, the thought of treatment scared Lawrence but it was something he felt he needed to do in order to fit in with society...and of course pick up chicks. "I feel an outsider, different to everyone else. People take going through puberty for granted, it's just something that happens. For me it has just never happened."

The treatment consists of 6 implants in the buttock, which release 200 milligrams of testosterone over 6 months. He will be dependent on implants for the rest of his life. Before they began, the doctors treating Lawrence tested his blood testosterone levels and discovered that he had the puberty onset of a 1-year-old! They had alot of catching up to do, 30+ years of catching up. In terms of penile length, we're talking about a resting length of just a little over 1 inch! (How do you hold something that small to pee?) Lawrence hopes his "teeny weenie" will grow to a decent size, that we will develop body hair, that his voice will break, that he'll develop body muscle, sexual organs and for the first time will experience sexual desire. Amen! Now for the part you've been waiting for - the 36 hour boner...

In extreme situations, some patients have not been able to handle the testosterone treatment, developing erections lasting hours and hours. In one case up to 36 hours! There's no script for this, doctors have to see what happens and navigate a safe course to give Lawrence a level which will put him in a normal range. Lawrence says "The thought of treatment makes me feel a bit frightened or scared because I don't know what's going to happen. I might have the urge to have sex when I don't want to have sex! I feel excited - it's something I've never been through before. I'll grow a beard and I've always wanted to see how I'll be with a beard and you know I'll get more muscle, so I think the ladies are going to love the new me!" Lawrence, let me tell you that the ladies will love you if you can keep an erection for 36 hours! Then again, they may not. I have a feeling that would scare the shit out of girl. Just think how horny this guy must be, a virgin still in his 30s? Look out, he might be humping everyone and everything in sight!

In short, the treatments are working. By day 3, Lawrence experienced his first "morning wood". Lawrence yelled with excitement "I had an erection! It really woke me up! It lasted 10-15 minutes. I was happy! I wanted to call the doctor, but it was too early in the morning." Can you just imagine having to be on the receiving end of such a phone call in the wee hours of the morning? Congrats Lawrence, you now what it's like for all of mankind to wakeup everyday with a chub in their drawers. Just wait until you wake up late for work and you need to pee fast - forget about it. Your little friend there won't cooperate with you. You have to take the good with the bad. So enjoy Lawrence and maybe next time instead of entertaining us with your first erection tale, you can give us the aw-inspiring story of your first little black curly. On second thought, how about you keep this info to yourself. Thanks man.

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