Thursday, December 22, 2005

Toss Up Between Red Ryder BB Gun & Peace On Earth

After yesterday's post All I Want For Christmas, I thought it might be necessary if I get away from that "touchy/feely stuff" and get back to the real meaning of Christmas - the materialistic side (sarcasm obviously). I make it no secret that on my birthday and around Christmas time, I'm the world's biggest kid! I just can't seem to grow-up when it comes to some things and that is one of them. In a way that may be a good thing, to be young at heart. Every year without fail I must, MUST peak at my gifts. I know, that is bad, but I can't help it. For whatever reason I can't succumb to the temptation. Believe me, I've tried to hold off, I really tried...and then somehow I found myself tiptoeing around, dipping my nose into open bags and gently shaking wrapped boxes under the tree. Does anyone else have this sickness besides me? I hope I'm not alone.

This year I should be wishing for Peace On Earth, but the way I see it, there are enough other suckers wishing for that so I figure God/Santa (same difference?) has that covered. Therefore, I need to make my wish list count and be different. In lue of wishing for world peace (Miss America wouldn't be proud), I have complied my own materialistic wish list. Now you may think that at the top of my list would be "an official Red Ryder carbine action 200 shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time", but surprisingly it's not. I got that last year so this year I really want coveted gifts like the Flowbee, Chia Pet and The BeDazzler! No seriously, this year's list looks like this, things that won't shoot my eye out...

  • snowboard wax and tuning set from
  • black Ducati hooded sweatshirt or Ducati anything
  • iPod (can you believe I'm the only sole alive that doesn't own one!)
  • a big ass mulled wine candle from Illuminations (yeah I know, I sound really gay but it smells really good)
  • now I'm drawing a blank...should I request...socks?

You will notice I didn't ask Santa for an Xbox 360 even though that seems to be the hot must-have gift this year. In the past I remember people waiting in line for hours only to get stomped while trying to pick up a Cabbage Patch Kid, Furby or Tickle-Me Elmo. The only line I would wait in for hours is the one to sit on Santa's lap so I could go on and on to him about how super fabulous all my friends and family will look if he brings me The BeDazzler! I will simply be a star! Can you just imagine me in a snazzy fitted pink tee crowed with purple, yellow and green jewels arranged in a giant star pattern? Then I could pair it up with some denim jeans with the word "Superstar" across my ass in the same beautiful jewels. How hot is that?

For that extra special someone on your list, how about you open the pages of the famous Neiman Marcus Christmas Book catalog featuring a collection of gifts from the simple to the extravagant and everything in between. There you will find the "IndyCar Series Simulator" where you get the ride/drive of a lifetime by slipping into the seat of a real Indy racecar and ripping around a track! How cool is that? Oh, by the will only cost you $65,000 to buy the experience. What, you don't love me that much? Darn. Ok, I guess this year I will happily settle for just a small kiss on the cheek from that girl Santa will be dropping down my chimney. The kiss is a free gift to give and more than likely I'll return the gift. It's the only time when the phrase "gift return" classifies as a good thing. Correction, a very good thing.

Because I'm finally starting to feel all warm and fuzzy in the holiday spirit, I thought I would give those who visit my blog a gift too, a gift of annoyance-free commenting! Yes, I'm removing the annoying "comment verification" feature that I once put into place to help stop all the spam. The way I see it, even if I do get spammed, I still have "comment moderation" turned on so I can delete the spam messages before they go live on the blog. Nice right? So say goodbye to typing in all those jumbled up letters and numbers when commenting because Christmas has come a few days early on my blog.

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