Friday, December 30, 2005

Drink Until You Puke, Dance Until You Drop

Today winds down the work week and also draws a close to 2005 as New Year's Eve is just a day away! So I should be making my New Year's resolutions right now, perhaps doing my 1st year of blogging "year in review" post, or some other type of wrap-up or countdown. However, that sounds like alot of work to do on a Friday just before a long holiday weekend kicks off. Therefore, I'm going to procrastinate. That's right, you will all have to wait until I am completely recovered from my NYE hangover to hear from me again. I know, I know, wipe the tear. It will be ok. I'll be back in 2006 and I already have some posts and blog changes in mind to start the year off right.

No, that isn't me. Random photo before anyone asks.

For now I want to begin relaxing. Despite the unusually warm late December weather here, I'm going to be heading into the snow covered mountains and crisp cool air for a weekend getaway - a little snowboard trip. I thought it would be a fun way to celebrate New Year's weekend by renting out a cabin with a bunch of friends, where the alcohol will flow like water and the slopes will swoosh like a 747. Ahh yes, serenity. It's my little slice of heaven in the winter months. Oh how I love me a freshly waxed board, a nice warm fire and enough food and drink fit for a king!

If there ever was a time when it's completely appropriate and rather acceptable to stagger around drunk like an idiot and make a complete ass out of yourself, it's New Year's Eve...and of course Mardi Gras, Las Vegas, bachelor parties, Spring Break, pledging a frat house, attending a funeral...wait, scratch that last one, but you get the idea. Ok, so there are other occasions and events that embrace intoxication and retarded behavior. For many, New Year's Day will be a time of not only puking your brains out, but also a day of reflection. Not reflecting back on the year that was, but rather the night just hours ago that was. You will try and recall who he/she was, what you really did or didn't do and why. Yes, you too will reflect back with either fond memories or sheer terror and embarrassment. Let's hope your reflecting moment will be one of fondness and not regret. (I said fondness, not fondling, stick with me here it's tough to blog today.)

My one main wish for the New Year is to drink entirely too much on New Year's Eve and regret any questionable acts I may of been involved in come New Year's Day. I think that's a wish that anyone can make with a great possibility of actually coming true (I'm already shuttering)! Ha-ha. So let me raise a glass of champagne and give an early toast to all of you for a happy and healthy New Year. Whether you are rocking out at home with Dick Clark (didn't he retire or die?) or you have tickets to attend the trendiest party in town, I hope you close out 2005 and bring in 2006 in style! May you have someone to kiss when the ball drops at midnight and if not, well maybe you could makeout with the back of your hand again this year? Either way, just enjoy!

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