Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Mrs. Right Arrives In Style

I hope everyone had a good Christmas, Hanukah or whatever it is you celebrate this time of the year. Please allow me a little more time to ease back into this "returning to work" and "returning to blogging" lifestyle. After having 4 days off of work and spending 4 days unplugged from the blogosphere, I kind of don't want to be here. I guess that's normal, maybe not. Anyway, I have things to post but I'm not in the right state of mind to do so. So whenever that creative writing urge returns, so will my posts. Until then, here is a look at what Santa dropped down my chimney.

Ok, so the fat man didn't exactly hit the nail on the head and deliver what I asked for, but let's give old Kris Kringle some credit, he did try. No, he may not of delivered that girl who was made of sugar and spice and everything nice...along with a splash of extra naughty should suffice. However, he did get the "naughty" part right and perhaps that is all I should concentrate on right now - keep life simple. I wish I could say The BeDazzler, Flowbee or a Chia Pet was stuffed in my stocking, but I didn't wakeup Christmas morning to find that either. Actually I didn't get anything I had on my wish list, but that's ok. Instead I came downstairs to find this girl (pictured above) under my tree. The good news...she was definitely "friendly".

On a side note, I think I would benefit in life more if I were Jewish. Then instead of just having 1 day of presents on Christmas, I could take advantage of Hanukah where you get gifts for days on end - that's my kind of celebration! Plus, by the end of the week I would have accumulated an entire team of Mrs. Rights!

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