Friday, December 16, 2005

Hey Now, The Howard Stern Show Ends...Until 2006

The King Of All Media and the most controversial shock jock of all-time, Howard Stern, says goodbye today to 20 years of The Howard Stern Show on terrestrial radio. In less than 1 month he will be moving his broadcast to Sirius Satellite Radio where he will remain for the next 5 years before his contract will be open to renewal or retiring. Stern broadcasted his final show outside in front of a huge NY crowd who decided to bare the bitter cold temp just to be a part of history, the end of an era. Stern has been more than enthusiastic about his switch from FM to Sirius and the majority of Stern listeners are backing his decision. Granted you will have to pay a small monthly fee these days to listen to The Howard Stern Show, but many say it's a small price to pay for freedom of speech. The FCC will no longer have a say in what Stern can and can't say on his show.

When the FCC demanded Stern to clean up his act, Howard refused and then all hell broke lose! The Stern Show was fined, sued, censored and even cut short or pulled off the air for brief periods of time leaving listeners bewildered. Naturally this infuriated Stern. For 20 years he had had the exact same type of programming content and now all of the sudden he is labeled as "obscene" because the FCC decided to enforce new rules? Stern has always been obscene, that's the point of his show. That is why he is called a SHOCK JOCK. Stern didn't really have a problem with the new rules being enforced, it was the fact that the rules were not being applied to everyone - just mostly to him and that was not fair. Howard Stern has interviewed the biggest names in Hollywood, among the biggest and smallest names in the adult film industry and even nobodies from every walk of life where given their 15 minutes of fame. The guy is offensive, there is no doubt about it, but that insensitive and unplotically correct personality is what has made him so intriguing to listen to. From things like the RoboSpanker, the TickleChair and numerous other perverted sex gadgets to misfits, midgets, strippers and beyond...there is no stopping Stern.

Stern shouted "the revolution begins, we're going to the promised land"! Along for the ride will be the entire Stern cast such as Robin, Artie, Fred, Baba Booey, Stuttering John, Cabbie and the rest of the crew. Infinity Broadcasting now has a vacancy time slot to fill in where The Howard Stern Show once aired. For whatever strange reason, Infinity Broadcasting choose David Lee Roth! Yes, the former lead singer of Van Halen will be taking over the open airwaves January 3rd where Stern once graced us with the acoustic pleasure of slapping a porn star's butt with a pastrami sandwich. Tasteful humor, wasn't it?

Today marks Howard Stern fan appreciation day. Saying thanks is something Stern himself says he has a problem with. However, this morning he showed his appreciation and gratitude to those that have helped him get to where he is today - family, friends, cast and of course...the fans. Stern calls himself "the last of the dying breed", a shock jock that wasn't afraid to push the envelope. A man that fought back when he felt he was being treated unfairly. Some would say that Stern won the battle. I tend to think he grew wise and beat the bullies at their own game. On Satellite radio Stern has complete freedom to say and do as he pleases. If he wants to have a porn star come on the air and moan, so be it. If he wants to drop the F-bomb, so be it. If he wants to tell FCC Chairman Michael Powell to shove it up his ass, so be it. It's a free world and Stern will exercise that freedom of speech this January 9th when he makes his debut, live for the first time on Sirius Radio.

Let the freedom bell ring and let it be rung by a stripper! Howard is coming, uncensored! Hey now, things are looking up.

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