Saturday, December 3, 2005

Smoke Crack, Get Your Job Back

Comedian Chris Rock once made a joke about the former Mayor of DC, Marion Barry, when he was caught smoking crack and got his job back! If you make a living flipping burgers at McDonalds and smoke crack, do you think they would give you your job back? Um, no. However if you are an important person in important places, we all know money talks. So just like the Mayor of DC who got away with smoking crack, so will ESPN commentator Michael Irvin. Last week Irvin was arrested when a crack pipe was found in his possession. This week ESPN has suspended him for just 1 week and next week, well expect to see old Irvin back in the saddle again giving you his insight on all the NFL match-ups. The lesson he learned...smoke crack, get your job back.

Talk to the hand 'cause the face don't wanna hear it.

During a traffic stop in Texas, Irvin was arrested when not only did police discover he had an unpaid speeding ticket, but they also found a crack pipe while searching in his car. Of course he claimed it wasn't his, it was a "friend's". Rrright, of course it was and OJ didn't decapitate his wife and Lacie Peterson just got "lost". You will have to forgive me not believing Irvin considering he has a long 10 year history of prior drug arrests. Michael Irvin was was charged with a misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia following the outstanding warrant on an unpaid speeding ticket. ESPN did not learn of Irvin's arrest until reporters began calling the network. Irvin, a former wide receiver with the Dallas Cowboys and semifinalist for the Pro Football Hall of Fame, said he had no problem with the suspension. Irvin said he didn't tell the network about his arrest because he was scared. "I was just scared, hoping and praying that maybe it would go away. I was told that I paid the fine and it was over. I was hoping it was over. Being an employee and not giving them the information, certainly it's fair."

Plastic baggies with marijuana residue were found in a sunglasses case along with the pipe in Irvin's car. Irvin said he put the items there after finding them on a friend who arrived at his house in Carrollton, Texas, on Thanksgiving. Irvin said he planned to throw the items away but forgot. Supposedly, his friend whom he's known for 17 years, had checked himself out of a Houston rehab center earlier in the week. Irvin was driving with his wife in the car when he was pulled over for going 78 in a 60 mph zone. Irvin was released after paying a $335 fine for the arrest warrant and a $256 bond. The paraphernalia charge is a Class C misdemeanor, punishable by up to a $500 fine. ESPN won't comment on specific personnel records. However, the network says they expect Irvin to appear on the air Sunday, Dec 11th to once again help host the NFL Countdown show.

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