This is just wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. How could someone be so cruel to my beautiful JLo? How can you do such evil deeds with a keyboard and mouse in Photoshop? How can you live with yourself after taking one of the hottest creatures on earth and making her hideous? Shame on you. I may be scared for life after seeing this life-like creation of what Jennifer Lopez may look like if she was to gain 100lbs. It scares me. It nauseates me. However, this image can disappear with one delete key - ahh. That is the good news. Now for the bad news...

Somehow Mark Anthony won't seem to disappear with a delete key. How in the world are those two still together? This is a new world record for a JLo marriage! What is she trying to prove here - that she can suffer for unnecessary periods of time? Well mission accomplished sister, now give it up and move onto brighter pastures. You have still not given me a call. I've been waiting. Drop your Latin lover and bring your big 'ol booty my way ASAP. Your real booty that is, not that twisted Photoshop booty job.
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