Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Stress Reduction Kit

Ever have one of those days where you just want to bash your skull into a brick wall? Ever feel the uncontrollable urge to take your computer and smash it into bits while at the same time slapping a co-worker senseless? Which by the way, there was such a day to indulge in that unspeakable act in case you missed it (11/02/05 Slap Your Irritating Co-Worker Day). Maybe you take a softer approach and you wish you could grab a pillow and scream into it just to break the tension? Do you get so frustrated that you feel as if you could beat up a puppy? Ok, let's not push it here and let Fido live, but we all get stressed from time to time. I'm not angry today, but I am stressed. Sometimes those 2 emotions go hand-in-hand. So if you are feeling like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders and you are ready to break, breathe. Before you are pushed over the edge and beyond, I have some relief for you. It's called the "Stress Reduction Kit". The usage instructions are simple as you will see below.

Enjoy this moment of relief because we all know even after we calm the stress, in due time it returns rearing it's ugly face. Sure there are ways to reduce stress in our lives, but I think I've already talked about that in a previous post some time ago. You are probably aware of what works for you and if not, well then give my Stress Reduction Kit here a try and let me know if it helped sooth you. Just remember to wipe the blood and fragments of human bone off your desk once you are finished with this exercise.

On a side note, I've been super busy lately myself so that is why there are delays in my blog postings. However, I've uploaded a slew of new posts so go check those out because I slaved over them! Ok, I didn't slave really, but you get the point. Somehow I've managed to get myself roped into a job for website design now. How did that happen? Don't ask, long story. It's more of an extra side project. I'm still keeping my day job, just "dabbling" in this for a new challenge. I guess it never hurts to expand your talents or work at a creating new talent. So besides work, social time and the crazy holiday season, things have been a little hectic. Yes, I have a life outside of blogging just like all of you do...or at least I hope you do. You may of also noticed that I haven't had a chance to visit some of my favorite blogs out there. As soon as time allows, I'll surf on by to see what's new and say hey.

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