Friday, November 11, 2005

You Can't Handle The Truth Because The Truth Hurts

Remember in the movie "A Few Good Men" with the famous line, "you can't handle the truth", that summed things up pretty well didn't it? Well I'm sorry to say that not only does the truth hurt, but you can't handle it, especially when you are a 5-year-old little girl. Yes, I'm sorry to say this is my daughter. In the past I've bragged and gloated about my 3 sons, but today I must come to grips with the sad, sad truth about my little girl. It seems her future isn't as bright as her brothers, but perhaps we can take her learning disability and turn it into something, something great - becoming a stripper!

Now don't feel bad for little Sally, soon to be stage named "Cinnamon". So what she can't read. Reading is overrated anyways, right? (Don't answer that because obviously you are reading this.) Now little Sally/"Cinnamon" might not be reaching for the same goals your little girl is, but that doesn't mean she isn't a good person. Stripping is the most well respected field there is! That's right, while your prize pupil there is selecting what med school she will attend in the future, my little Sally/"Cinnamon" will be selecting not only a new thong and a pair of stripper heals, but also a new dance pole routine. So HAH to you. Forget "Green Eggs and Ham". It will be "Green Eggs and Daaamn". You work it girl. Daddy is proud of all his kids no matter what career they pursue in life.

If you would like to read up on her brothers, here are the links to their professions.

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