Monday, November 7, 2005

The Rare Double Rainbow Moblog Photo That Wasn't

It's been awhile since I uploaded a moblog photo to my blog. So yesterday I was out picking up a pizza for the Steelers game, when the perfect opportunity for a great moblog moment had hit! As I pulled out of Pizza Hut, I spotted a rare double rainbow stretching across the sky. It was really something to see and definitely camera phone snapshot worthy. I almost always keep my cell phone with me, especially in the car, so I decided I would take a photo of it. I got into position and turned on my phone, only to briefly see the message "battery low, shutting down now " flash on my screen before it turned off on me. I wish I could say that because this was on a Sunday, that I bit my tongue and managed not to say the F-word and used the word "fudge", but that wasn't the case. I let it slip out, sorry. It seems like the only times when I really need to use my phone for an emergency call or for an emergency moblog shot (yes capturing a rare double rainbow pic classifies as an emergency moblog shot in case you didn't know), that the battery is dead - FUDGE!

I'm sure everyone has witnessed a real rainbow before and you know what they are and how they occur, but a double rainbow is something not everyone has seen (rare) or perhaps you have never heard of them. A double rainbows is a larger, paler, secondary rainbow with colors reversed (red inside) outside the primary arc. It is caused by two refractions and two reflections of the ray while it is inside a drop. When conditions are suitable, a double rainbow may be seen and that is what I saw on Sunday. Of course you would never know it because I don't have the moblog photo to prove it. Damn...I mean darn. No wait, today is now Monday so it's more acceptable to cuss than it was yesterday. So damn it!

The double rainbow came at the end of what could of been a real disaster's weekend. Early Sunday morning around 2AM, a tornado hit parts of Indiana. By noon on Sunday, the storm had taken a turn and began moving it's way stretching from Pittsburgh to New York. It turned from a "tornado warning" (possible a tornado could occur), to a "tornado watch" (means a funnel was spotted). Despite the beautiful and unusually warm day we had on Saturday with temps reaching 80 degrees, Sunday brought a different story. It was still warm out, but in came the clouds, 70+ mph winds and of course rain and hail! If you aren't familiar with tornados, basically it's when a warm front collides with a cold front and usually occurs in the spring time as opposed to this time of the year. 22 people were killed in Sunday's tornado and more than 200 injured, but that was only in Indiana. Where I live, we had a small scare, but nothing bad happened except some minor wind damage and power outages. So it huffed and it puffed, but it didn't blow my house down. I've come alot closer to being hit by a tornado before. When I was a kid it came about a block away from taking everything we owned and spreading it miles. So I guess if I'm keeping score, I'll chalk this one up as...Me 2 - Tornado 0. Thankfully my power didn't go out with the Steelers playing or that would or been a serious disaster indeed!

If I think about, all the time I spent Saturday afternoon in my yard mowing the lawn and cleaning up fallen leaves was rather pointless considering just about every leaf is now off the trees and scattered all over my property from the storm. Washing and waxing my motorcycle, only to leave it outside like a dumbass to get pounded with hail, wasn't a smart move either. Want to see me run really fast, like lightning fast? Then take my pride and joy Ducati 999r possession and leave her out in the harsh elements to be abused and not even Auntie Em could of stopped me from running out into the storm and rescuing her to safety. Don't worry, she's ok. So you can all breathe a sigh of relief with me. I may of not been able to capture the double rainbow image, but I did manage to capture what it means to have Ducati love. Not man, nor beast could keep me from her sexiness!

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