Thursday, November 17, 2005

Smoke Today And The Chipmunk Gets It!

As some of you may be aware, today is the "Great American Smokeout". Don't ask me why it only applies to Americans. Perhaps other courtiers are not chastised for smoking like here in the US? I don't know, but I do know that if you are a smoker, then it's time to put down that cancer stick. You know it's bad for you, inconvenient and a costly habit. Just look at places like NY, smoking is banned nearly everywhere you go. Now this post isn't to start a debate between smokers and non-smokers. It's a post to remind you once again of the obvious, that you are killing yourself by smoking...or rather killing an innocent chipmunk! (I'll get to what I mean by that later.) Personally, nothing is a bigger turnoff than a smoker to me. Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray. I just can't get into it, sorry. The smell, the nicotine fingers, just the whole picture isn't pretty to me.

If you smoke, the American Cancer Society claims they can help you kick the habit. Don't worry, I won't bore you with the same old dull dreary statistics you can get on every other website. However, I will say that people who plan a quit attempt in advance double their odds of succeeding. So why not give up cigarettes for the day, maybe forever? You will gain precious years to your life and in the process you will lose nothing, well maybe the occasional "nic fit". Ok, still not convinced to quit smoking? Then what if I were to tell you that if you smoke today, then the chipmunk gets it? You have no clue what I am talking about. I see the confused look on your face, so let me explain.

I'm riding home from work and I have my sunroof open. The guy in the car in front of me is smoking like a chimney. The wind is blowing from his car to mine and I get a huge engulfing whiff of his Marlboro. So I look to find my "close sunroof" button and in the process of doing that, I have to take my eyes off the road for a split second. Next thing I know a small bump is felt under my left wheel. I look in my rearview mirror and there is a little chipmunk all laid out. Needless to say the little fighter wasn't putting up a fight anymore. He became more of a teeny tiny speed bump of sorts. Well perhaps the right thing to do would of been to pull over and pour a little liquor for a fallen homie, but it was rush hour so I sped up. I didn't want to miss the next green light. Rude, yes but don't blame me, blame the smoker. That's right, if it wasn't for his smoke pollution gagging me, I would of left my sunroof alone, remained focused on the road and swerved to miss "Alvin". I've taken the liberty of naming him that since I didn't catch his name. So Alvin I'm sorry. Like I said back to the little mouse I took out, RIP little buddy, RIP.

Now don't all you smokers feel bad? If not, you should. Your dirty habit cost Alvin his life! This winter there will extra nuts scattered throughout the US. Nuts that little Alvin would of packed with love to take home and feed his family - his non-smoking family. Now put out that cigarette or another chipmunk gets it!

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