Friday, November 18, 2005

Light Up The Night

It's tradition around here that the Friday prior to Thanksgiving is "Light Up Night" in the city. If you have never heard of that, basically it's the big "tado". (I never thought I would use that word. I'm not even sure if it's a real word. I think it's made-up slang from my Mom.) People will gather to "eww and ahh" at the big Christmas tree that will be lit up for the first time. All the stores will have their holiday displays in the windows with the mechanical kids and little train sets. Fireworks will be launched and there will be caroling, ice-skating, Santa Claus, cookies and all that warm fuzzy stuff. It's just a way to kick off the season. Now if you ask me, first things first - ah, what about my turkey?

Yeah I like Christmas, but slow down. I will be all giddy like a little boy on Christmas morning one week from today, but not today. Yes, wait until next Friday - AFTER my turkey has digested and THEN I will get into the Christmas spirit. The day after Thanksgiving is always the big shopping day and I've always considered it the official start to the holiday season, not this "Light Up Night" junk. Hopefully I won't be con into going to the mall that day...unless it's done right with a giant turkey leg in hand, in that case I may cave. Right now I want to focus on visualizing the spread my Mom will be whipping up this Thursday. Ahh, can you smell it already? I love Thanksgiving! When you are a lousy chef like myself, you are very, very thankful come Thanksgiving Day. Just trust me on that. My Mom will be sure to send me home with plenty of leftovers. I can't say they will last long, but I can say they will be appreciated and devoured! Let me say thanks ahead of time - thanks Mom!

Somehow I've got myself roped into going to "Light Up Night". No, there is no turkey leg waving in front of my face, but I'm going regardless. Instead of smelling turkey, I smell the crisp cold November air. Breathe it in with me - ahh! There is something about that first cold day. The air just smells different, a good different. It's actually a little invigorating I feel. It's like your lungs are opening up for the first time in months while you suck in that chill that nearly takes your breath away. Some people may hate the sound of that, but I tend to enjoy it. It just reminds me that snowboard season isn't far off! I'll need to wax up my board and start counting down the days to the season opening first run down the mountain. Now THAT I would definitely take over a turkey leg. However for now, I will spend the night feeling a little like the Grinch while the big fat guy in a red suit rings a bell on the street corner. I will try to block him out as to not mess up my concentration of catching snowflakes on my tongue. It is a skill you know, so don't knock it.

I'm not sure if I will get any new posts up for awhile. With Thanksgiving coming up, I have family that will be in town so blogging won't be a priority obviously. If I get some time, I will post though. If not, Happy Thanksgiving!

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