Few things in life are more frustrating and annoying than the pesky telemarketer who calls while you are trying to eat dinner, watch a movie, take a nap, whatever it is you like to do with your free time. With the ever-expanding use of cell phones and the further development of do-not-call lists, telemarketers have now developed another way to be a pest, by calling your cell phone. Now if you enjoy a telemarketer eating up the air time on your cell phone, then by all means, keep listening to them rattle on about how you have just won a fabulous Carnival Cruise for two! Now if you are like me and you do not care to hear how lucky I am to be the one they drew for a new satellite TV dish, then read on for ways to shake the telemarketers, take back your cell phone minutes and take back your leisure time.

The main way for cell phone users to avoid these telemarketers is to sign up for the "National Do Not Call Registry" established by the Federal Communications Commission. This can be done two ways: either by registering on the FCC website at
www.ftc.gov/donotcall or by calling 1-888-382-1222 from the phone you wish to register. The registry is open to both land lines and cell phones and is free for both. Also, there are no deadlines for when you must register. Many rumors had been started over the past few months about deadlines for registering cell phones before it would be attacked by computerized telemarketers. Along with there being no deadlines, the FCC prohibits telemarketing companies from using automated dialing machines. The federal government and all state governments are enforcing the registry. However, while they do say they will stop the majority of the calls, they don't guarantee complete protection from telemarketers. While the registry only protects phones from telemarketers, it does not protect from political callers, calls from companies from which one has purchased things or bill collectors.
Now if we could only find a way to stop those crazy Jehovah Witnesses from banging on the door looking to save and covert you, then this would truly be a great day. Notice I'm not going to rip on the Girl Scouts. Who else would come to you offering sweet goodies to devour at the low, low price of just $5 a box? These kids are God sent! Ok, so 5 bucks a box is a rip-off, but it does go to a good cause. Give the little girl a break, she isn't the one that jacks up the price. She's just the middle man...er middle girl. So fork out the cash and buy a couple boxes of the Tagalongs. You'll be glad you did!
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