Friday, November 25, 2005

To Whom It May Concern

This is not really related to my blog, but then in a way it is. It's more of a personal statement of sorts. I shouldn't really feel the need to say this, nor should I be put into a situation where I need to say something like this, but nevertheless I am so here goes.

Some of you may of noticed I turned on the "comment moderation" option for my blog. There are 2 reasons for this. One reason is to help reduce spam and the second reason is to make this site an enjoyable place for all to visit. In the past a small select group of people want to turn this into a public place to bash others. It's not just done to myself, but also to my friends and other bloggers who visit here...not to mention they follow me onto other people's blogs that I comment on and continue the rude remarks and other nonsense there. I want to apologize to those of you who have had this trickle onto your blog as a result of you posting on mine. I don't know what advice to give here, but I suppose it might be best to just do what I do, which is try and ignore the people that are causing this and carry on with your blog as usual. Like many, I find their behavior not only uncalled for and wrong, but also an annoyance that borderlines on harassment.

In the past I've also said, stick to the topic and don't personally attack me or anyone else who comes here. They are simple rules and should be easy to follow as I'm sure everyone would agree. Unfortunately, that request always falls on deaf ears. So since I am wasting my breathe asking for that, I thought I would just use what Blogger has provided to help enforce that policy. I apologize to those that find this inconvenient or misread this as a form of censorship. Please understand that I am all for you expressing your opinion no matter what it is and no matter if I agree with it or not, BUT I am NOT for allowing my site to be the hosting grounds for personal feuds. Also rest assure that I am NOT censoring anyone, even those in question here. You can guarantee that I will post your comments no matter what you say or who you are as long as it's topic related and/or is not a personal attack on anyone - me, my friends, other bloggers, anyone.

Lastly, I want to say to those of you that continue to insult me, twist things, then go on trying to intimidate and threaten me, what makes you think I should want to speak to you after that? When you ask to speak to me, it should be no shocker that I refuse or just simply ignore you. For that very reason I will not give you e-mail or my cell number and I've been on AIM plenty, I just do buddy list only. So assume what you like and believe what you like. There has never been any convincing you otherwise. I feel from day 1 you had it in your heads to hate me and I don't know why. You only ever hear bits and pieces of a one-sided story (when we all know there are always 2 sides to anything) and any important details or explanations you don't want to hear. Frankly, I'm tired of feeling like I need to constantly defend and prove myself to all of you. It's ridiculous. You rather assume you know all and then run with that tale. I've asked numerous times for you to leave me alone, politely in fact. For whatever reason you have yet to do that, despite the fact that I haven't been bothering you. It should be no surprise why I have cut all contact from people that are constantly trying to cause me problems when there is no problem. I'm sorry if you think I am some terrible person or some criminal or whatever it is you are calling me now. If I was such a bad guy, your daughter/friend I'm sure would of never given me the time of day. So contrary to what you would like people to believe, I must not be that awful. I'm sorry you seem me as the enemy though.

What I am most sorry for is your daughter/friend. I really am. She's a nice girl and I wish she had people in her life that would listen to her when she has asked them herself to "but out". You tell me you are trying to help her, well I'm pretty sure making this mess doesn't help anyone, including her. In fact what it is doing is making me never want to speak to her again. Perhaps that is your wish. If so, it may be granted. The last time I talked with her, we didn't end things badly. In fact I made it clear that I would need some "alone time" for awhile before I could see her as only a buddy. She understood that. So I don't understand what the problem is here? She told me she was dating and told me she was happy. Whether you believe it or not, I'm happy for her. I hope things work out there for her and I wish that I can be friends with her after all of this. However, with the rate you guys are going, I don't feel I will even want to be a "friend". Just an FYI, if I ever have anything to say on this again, it will be to HER, not any of you. After all, this was between us and should of never had all her friends and family dragged into our business to begin with.

Ok sorry for the odd post today. I will get back to tech news and other funnies when I get a chance.

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