Thursday, November 3, 2005

HNT - Half Naked Thursday Induction Ceremony

We have all heard different days of the week getting coined names such as "Monday Morning Blues, Wednesday Hump Day, TGIF - Thank God It's Friday, Saturday Date Night, Lazy Sunday Afternoon" and I'm sure Tuesday should have a name, but so far it's been left out of the mix. However, in the blogosphere, even Thursday has been given a name and it's been dubbed as HNT - Half Naked Thursday. Hmm, that gives me an idea! Maybe I should start the first ever FNT - FULL Naked Tuesday? What do you think? (evil grin) Nobody likes to be left out of the "in crowd" so perhaps Tuesday should outdo Thursday by exposing it all in the buff. Ladies don't get too excited and guys don't get too grossed out, because I don't think I will be whoring myself by going butt naked on Tuesday. I might not even take off half of my clothes and do Half Naked Thursday...then again, never say never. Just kidding!

Unlike some people, I don't really get embarrassed if I'm naked. Maybe when I'm 50 or something and my balls are all saggy and I have man boobs or whatever else happens when you age, but I'm still young so who cares. Besides, isn't that why gyms stay in business? Personally, I love working out and do so 3-4 times a week. There are a few reasons I work out. I honestly enjoy it - fun to me, it's a great stress releaser, it's good for your health and it makes you look good. If you look good, you tend to feel good and that's always a great thing in life. If you are one of those people that are all ashamed with dropping your drawers and going skinny dipping or god forbid someone sees you getting undressed with the light on, to you I say - so what. I understand we all have hang-ups about our bodies and alot of times whatever self-conscious thing you think about yourself, someone else probably wouldn't even notice. So relax. I think someone who is comfortable in their own skin is very sexy! It shows alot of confidence and that to me is sexy. Also, if there is something you don't like about yourself, change it. Besides, that is what plastic surgery is for! (Ha-ha. Please don't believe I'm serious with that last statement.)

About a month or 2 back, I saw people posting things on my blog and other blogs saying HNT. I thought to myself, what the hell does "HNT" mean? After asking someone to explain it to me, I learned that it was a little online fad going around where people post a half naked photo of themselves or someone else (usually a total stranger) on their blogs. It does sound a little strange, but it's kind of an interesting idea too. Plus, it would give me a lazy blog posting day - just upload a pic and be done. So of course I became a bit intrigued, intrigued enough to do a little research on the source of where the HNT idea came from. I learned that "awaterpixie" didn't originally start this fad, even though at first I thought she did. She informed me that the idea came from someone named "Osbasso". Now for the sake of research, I was forced in a way to visit his blog and learn about the origin of the idea. Keep in mind I found out this idea came from a 48 year old man which of course I was cringing in fear I would have to see this dude half naked just to find out how this HNT idea started. Ugh, the things I do for the educational purposes of my loyal blog readers. You better all appreciate this! So I did a search for "HNT" within Osbasso's blog and came up with this...

"The MySpace people started HNT. It's starting off small, with alot of members listed. At last count they had 3 actual HNT pics. Before anyone scoffs at that, I would remind them that this HNT had 5 people for its inaugural appearance. There's another version of HNT out there, too. I got a comment from someone who just got started in Half Naked Thursdays. It appears to be a very small group of people (mostly young moms) posting alot of pics of their kids' bare tushes. I'm not even sure they're really aware of us. We should probably let them be...."

There is the light watered down history of what HNT is, how it got started and how it continues to grow. I hope this class lesson was educational to all and you no longer feel left in the dark, as I once felt lost, when you see people talking about HNT. Now it's up to you whether or not you want to participate. Some people have been asking me when I am going to join in and post a half naked photo of myself on my blog. The answer - we will see, but don't count on it. You don't want my Mother to have a heart attack, do you? Believe me, she was a little shocked when I had to do this one AE (American Eagle) ad that borderlined on their competitor Abercrombie's sexually provocative level. They had me take one hand and pull up the bottom of my tank top exposing my stomach and take the other hand and pull down on the waistline of my jeans and boxers to practically my pubic bone! Now how that showcased their clothes I don't know, but maybe it sold something, like any shyness I may of had going into it? I lived and I'm not uncomfortable about being naked or even half naked, but that still doesn't mean I will plaster myself online for all to see! Nope, you would have to suffer thru dating me to get that. Ok, I shouldn't say suffer. If you hated me, at least I can guarantee you a good free meal and I bet I could make you laugh. So here's to those of you that not only bare your sole on your blog, but also bare your bottom or top...or even both! Happy Half Naked Thursday!

The photo above I found during a random Google search. I just loved it and decided to use it, obviously. The guy you see in the photo I found pretty funny and he had this comment to say on his website about it... "This area isn't like most photos sections on the web. Instead of using normal pictures of normal things, I've decided to showcase fictitious photographs that I just made up in Adobe Photoshop. The central theme is basically my head pasted in a bunch of really odd and un-related pictures that were found on the web. My reasoning for fabrication over reality is because reality is lame. That's why we have TV, movies, books, music, illegal drugs and this web page. If you disagree with that statement, then why aren't you outside experiencing reality right now? That's shut up."

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