Sunday, November 6, 2005

Ultimate Fighting, I Ultimately Love It!

Anyone out there ever hear of something called reality TV? I am sure you have, but have you seen a show called "The Ultimate Fighter"? The idea of the show is similar to NBC's boxing reality show "The Contender". In "The Ultimate Fighter" they take a group of fighters, toss them into 1 plush house and from there they train and compete against one another for a UFC contract worth 6 figures. Season 2 just ended this weekend with the grand finale show being held live from Las Vegas. I TIVOed the event and I have to say they were some of the best fights I have ever seen! I got pumped watching it and wanted to jump into the cage too and go a few rounds.

Now I probably wouldn't be able to last in there long because even though I do have a pretty long boxing history and did well in it, I don't have a day of training in mixed martial arts of any kind, nor do I poses wrestling skill...unless you are counting wresting around on a bed? So I would probably get my ass handed to me. However, everyone has to start somewhere. So maybe I should check into this. I know you think I'm crazy and maybe I really am a bit crazy to find an interest in beating another guy's face in, while at the same time perhaps getting my own beat in. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?

I know for one my Mom would hate this idea with a passion! She couldn't even watch me box. She would come to the fights to cheer me on, so I give her credit there. However, she would spend the time covering her eyes, barely viewing any of the action thru her fingers. I know she would cringe at every punch I threw and God forbid I got hit, she would be a worrying mess. I learned to block her out. I had to because there is no way I could concentrate on what I needed to do if I was thinking about her being a nervous wreck looking on. She just couldn't see how I found boxing to be fun and how it was a sport. I tried explaining and even showing her that there is so much more to fighting than meets the eye. It's almost like art, a dance if you want to call it that. It's a battle of not only your physical skill, but also your mind and heart. You have to be smart in there and be mentally tough. You have to put in the long hours of hard work at the gym preparing and above all, you have to have heart. If you feel like a loser or you have a "quitting/I can't do it" attitude, then I guarantee you will not make it out of round 1.

Boxing and playing sports like basketball have taught me many things about life in general. If someone has never played a sport, then they don't understand how much you can learn about yourself and about your teammates. You not only learn to push yourself beyond your limits and raise your game a level, but you are also there to encourage those around you to give it their all and then some for the sake of one common goal - winning. There is nothing like winning. It's a natural high. I think that is why I am an adrenaline junkie and I love racing motorcycles so much. The speed factor is a natural high that just can't be matched in my eyes. Boxing gave me that rush when I stepped into the ring and I can't help but wonder if mixed martial arts fighting would deliver the same feeling. Actually, I know it would. In a way I am envious of these guys. They are not like some fake professional wrestling clowns putting on an act, the UFC is the real deal.

I know it's hard for the average watcher to appreciate all that goes into sports like boxing or mixed martial arts fighting. Many people will see a UFC fight and think it's just some barbaric fists flying causing blood to erupt and 2 grown men wresting around like a couple of school boys scrapping on a playground. However, it's nothing like that. There is so much more to it. It's extremely technical. It involves tons of strategy and the ability to not only predict your opponents next move, but the ability to come up with counters, reversals and escape moves of your own to take the upper hand. Once you start to understand all that lies underneath the surface, the more you can began to appreciate the level of athleticism that is involved in mixed martial arts fighting. If you want to learn more about this unique sport, visit

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