Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Life Has Been Good Lately

I know it's the 1st of a new month and usually I do a past month wrap-up highlighting some of the top tech news stories I posted about, but really last month left me with little to post about in terms of tech news. Last month I found myself posting more about my personal life and uploading the occasional humorous post for a chuckle. Unfortunately, most of my personal posts consisted of love life problems, me getting jumped by a bunch of Harley bikers and then that was followed up with a series of hospital visits for stitches, a fractured bone and another concussion. It's no wonder I had crazy nightmares from all the physical and emotional stress and strain. To make matters worse, the lack of sleep left me depleted and on edge during the work day. It was exhausting! Let's hope all of that drama and turmoil is left in the past.

I want to apologize because I'm afraid I hit an all-time low last month when I resorted to talking about the weather and then even covering celeb gossip! That is something you won't see from me very often. You have to cut me some slack though. My head was not in the right state of mind to whip up clever little posts. The only worthy blog accomplishment was hitting my 300th post, despite the fact that I had to battle an increase in splog (blog spam) that forced me to turn on the annoying "word verification" option. The mysterious "Guest Blogger" made her appearance and made herself known, much to everyone's surprise as to who it was. You didn't expect that now did you? Other than that, I guess I could pat myself on the back for doing a few real estate transactions. Another "that a boy" can be given to the fact I was a little handy around the house putting up a hammock in my backyard and installing a fireplace in my bedroom. Of course we can't forget the sacrifice I made when Halloween rolled around. I surprised my niece, who was dressed as a Princess, by dressing myself up in a big green furry frog/prince suit so she would have a date for her first ever Trick-Or-Treat night. Since I don't have much to wrap-up and highlight from last month, here is a quick rundown on how my birthday weekend went for those that care to know. Otherwise you can skip the rambling between the dotted lines.


Friday - Since my birthday landed on a Friday, I decided to treat myself right by taking off work and giving myself a birthday gift. I bought a new car! I've been looking to get a new car for the last few months, but put off doing so because I hate car payments. I wanted to wait until I could just pay for it in cash like I did with my motorcycle and not have to worry about payments every month. I got a great deal on a BMW M3 Coupe (not the convertible, I don't like many convertibles). I think it's a pretty nice car. It's a 6-speed manual transmission that puts out 333hp, that's roughly 30 more ponies than the Nissan 350Z which was the other car I was debating on getting to replace my aging Nissan 300ZX TT that I've been driving for years. The M3 is also considered "somewhat" of a sports car because it's rear wheel drive and has some pretty impressive performance numbers. However, it does have a small backseat and therefore it falls into the category of being called a "sports coupe" rather than a "sports car" which is a 2 seater. That's fine with me though. I do live for speed and have a real love for sports cars, but this car still is quick and handles exceptionally well. Plus it gets some decent gas mileage and is fun to drive which to me is one of the most important factors - the fun factor. Can it put a smile on my face when I grip the wheel and slip the clutch? The answer is definitely yes! I will miss my Z, but I'm hoping this new car will satisfy me until I can pick up something really unusual (even exotic if I'm lucky) and sporty. After taking my new toy home, I got ready to go out to dinner and then after meet up with some friends for drinks. There was a Halloween Fest going on downtown so we checked that out. They had the traditional haunted houses and then threw up some amusement park rides with it.

Saturday - Back to back parties were scheduled! My family threw me a small party/lunch/get together with just immediate family there, minus my one sister who lives in CA. I then watched my niece in an afternoon Halloween parade where I could hear her shouting my name and waving about a block away. Then later that night my friends threw me a party which was part birthday celebration/costume party. Well I hadn't picked up the frog suit yet and I needed to dress up like something. So since it was my birthday - how about a birthday suit? Ha-ha. That will teach everyone for not informing me ahead of time that I was going to be the only one without a costume. I didn't have a fig leaf, but I made a wrap and threw on a sash like Miss America and attended my party dressed in my birthday suit. Fitting right? Don't worry, nothing was really exposed, but I had no shame and it was all in good fun. I even painted a birthday candle on my chest so people would get the idea I was a birthday suit. I had to do it in cake icing and sprinkles because I didn't have paint. Of course the joke was on me because I didn't think that everyone would read it as me trying to get people to ask me if "I wanted blown" because I had a candle on me. Freudian slip perhaps. The party was a blast! I drank entirely too much. Apparently not as much as I did the night before because I was told I was singing the song "Gold Digger" (catchy tune). Yes, not only do I seem to know every lyric in that song, but my friends tell me I am great at impersonating the guy who sings in the background saying "She take my money when I'm in need". Hmm, maybe I've found another talent at rapping/singing? Nah, let's not push it. It was the alcohol talking...I mean rapping/singing.

Sunday - Recovering from 2 nights of solid drinking and partying, I had church to attend in the morning. A friend's son was baptized so I attended that and they had a picnic after. That night I took my niece Trick-Or-Treating (yes their Trick-Or-Treat night fell on Sunday the 30th). Despite her having a cold she still was ready and willing to go. Since she was dressed as the Princess, I couldn't let her be without a magic wand. So I took some cardboard and turned it into my Princess's magic wand! I bet you didn't think I could get so crafty with glue, glitter and felt. I even learned a magic trick just for the occasion. You know the old trick where you wave a magic wand and pull flowers out of your sleeve? Well that is what I did for her and her reaction - a loud enthusiastic shriek followed by "ooooo ooo wow" giggle giggle. I loved it and it was more than enough thanks. Looking like an idiot in a frog suit was definitely worth it.

Monday - It's back to work with my ass. However, I was cutting out early to go to the Monday Night Football game. I wanted to get down there early to tailgate for awhile since it's was up in the mid 60s and sunny - perfect weather for the big game! My Steelers were taking on the Ravens. It was a good game and a close one with my home team prevailing 20-19. That leaves the Steelers undefeated at home on Monday nights, a perfect 11-0 record! Legendary sportscaster Myron Cope was honored at halftime during a retirement toast. Speaking of toast, I didn't get home until after 1:30AM after the game, but it sure was nice and cozy to warm up/toast up in front of the new fireplace after spending hours in a chilly stadium.


On a side note, the weather has been beautiful here lately. Sunny and mid 60s. It's may even hit 70 by the end of the week which is pretty impressive considering it's now November! Despite the fact that we had to turn the clocks over the weekend for DST, which I hate because it will soon be dark before I leave work in the evening, there is much for me to be happy about the last few days. It's something I really needed - a good time. It was just the other year where I "celebrated" my birthday in a hospital bed. After nearly losing my life in a motorcycle accident where I was struck by a drunk driver, I spent over 2 months recuperating from multiple injuries. I'm all patched up and good to go now though, so I'm happy to be able to celebrate this birthday the way birthdays are meant to be celebrated. As I blew out my birthday candles, I once again wished for the same thing I wish for every year (no, not a date with J Lo, although that isn't a bad wish). I wished to be happy. It's a simple wish, but seems like a hard one to grant. However, after a great birthday weekend, I think my wish may finally be coming true this year or at least it appears to be headed in that direction. As the wise old pumpkin above said... ;)

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