Thursday, November 10, 2005

Damsel In Distress, Acceptable Form Of Repayment

As you can see, I'm participating in the HNT thing today. I'm not sure if I'll be a regular, but I thought what the hell I'll give it a shot, especially when I have this great shot below to share! Now I know some of you are either disappointed at this post or are relived that I didn't whore myself out and put up a half naked picture of myself. So depending on you feelings on that, either wipe that salty tear away or you can sit down and reframe from cheering now, I'm not exposing The thought did cross my mind for a brief moment, but then I remember awhile back that somehow someone got a hold of one of my photos and tried passing it off as themselves in a CraigsList ad! Yeah, it was weird and even more disturbing that they cut off the head and just used the body in hopes it would lure some lonely CraigsList chick lurking on that site into an easy hookup.

I wonder if he/she got any takers, then what did he/she (whoever it really was) plan to do then? I'm thinking they would probably ignore it. Anyway, I have my guesses as to how that photo got on there - who put it there, but I'm not going to get into that. I will say that it's the reason why I have decided against putting too many photos of myself up on my blog. You just never know some of the freaks that are out there. Now to the tale that's behind this spectacular photo you see before you now!

It's no secret that a damsel in distress will always find a soft spot in a man. We simply can not let a beautiful creature suffer. It's not in our nature. The better looking the girl, well then the more effort we will put out to aid her in her time of need. It's just basic math. If you need an example to help you better understand this concept, take this for instance...a large breasted 25-year-old blonde is having computer problems. It seems her Apple laptop just doesn't do what she tells it to do. So what's a girl to do? She comes to me. It's with a heavy heart and tears dwelling in her eyes that she explains her dilemma to me. I listen with a sympathetic ear, giving her a hug (tightly enough to determine those are at least C cups) and just before she is ready to breakdown, I tell her I can help. Immediately the cloud is lifted above her head. She has been rescued!

Blonde Girl: Really, you can fix it? How?

Me: Yes, of course I can fix it for you. Wipe those pretty eyes because there will be no need to cry now.

(I remedy the laptop problem in just a few short minutes.)

Blonde Girl: Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! Tell me what I can ever do to repay you?

Me: No repayment is necessary. I was glad to help.

Blonde Girl: Oh you're too sweet. Thanks a bunch! But can I ask you one thing?

Me: Sure, anything.

Blonde Girl: My laptop overheating was the problem right? And you told me that because I am not on Windows, that I use a Mac, that you can't cool the laptop off by opening a window right? So is it true on all Macs or just mine that to prevent overheating, Mac users have to take their shirt off as oppose to Windows users who just have to open a window?

Me: Good question. It's not ALL Mac users that have to do this. However, in the case of "user error", like what happened with your laptop, then yes the user must remove their shirt in order to prevent the overheating of their laptop. Does that make sense?

Blonde Girl: Yes, yes it does. Thanks again and I'll remember your advice.

Me: You bet! Now smile and say cheese! I like to document my repair work for future references. Yeah, yeah! Look at you jumping up and down all excited. You know what? I will take a hug now as a form of repayment. ;)

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