Monday, October 3, 2005

What's In A Name?

When people go online, they take pseudo names or what is referred to as nicknames or handles. They do so in order to help protect their identity or perhaps to just make them "look cool". Whatever reason you do it, it's normal and actually encouraged in a sense when it comes to traveling thru cyberspace. Do you ever run into someone online and wonder what their nickname/handle really means? What about the name I use for this blog, "DIAMONDKT", ever wonder if it means something? Well to answer your curious mind, yes it does. It does mean something (sort of), but I kind of like what this online nickname/handle generator says my name stands for better.

Digital Intelligent Android Manufactured for Observation, Nocturnal Destruction and Kamikaze Troubleshooting

Sounds pretty fitting, right? I think so, especially given my field of expertise and that I am somewhat of a nocturnal person. Well, I'm just up all the time pretty much - day and night! So go see what your name means at (Credit for this little find goes to Mojoala's blog where I found the link.)

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