Sunday, October 2, 2005

Attention Armchair Quarterbacks

Are you one of those guys who just lives for football? You may of played in high school and even college, but the pros never picked you up. Even though you had to get a normal job because your glory days of throwing around the pigskin are over, you can't seem to let go of the love for the game. It runs deep in your blood. Maybe you don't bleed the black and gold colors of my Steelers, but you bleed your college colors as an alumni. You bleed your favorite NFL team. With all this bleeding going on, I bet you would sacrifice some of your blood to really feel what it's like to be on the goal line with 4th and inches to go as seconds tick away in the final quarter of play. You've spent many weekends screaming at your TV to run a certain play, but how about getting off your butt and actually being the quarterback who has to make those crucial decisions?

Imagine yourself dropping back into the pocket looking for wide receiver superstars like Moss and Owens. Perhaps you would like to be on the receiving end of a bullet pass from Brett Farve or maybe you want to run full force into a 325lb linebacker as Ricky Williams. Maybe your dream is to toss around the O-line or make the huge game crushing sack. Whatever you passion is, I have something to feed it. It's called "Madden '06" from EA Sports. It's more than just a video game, for some it has become an obsession, while others rely on it as a paycheck! The Madden football video game series has become so popular and well respected that there is even a tournament held across the nation to determine who is the best Madden football player (for more details visit You better bring your "A game" if you plan to compete in it because it's not like whopping up on your buddy. Oh no, theses guys take it very serious - some I'm sure even bleed Madden! The winning prize is a whopping $100,000! Sure that is a good paycheck, but it's not just about the money...say it with's about the love and the respect. It's about being the best damn video game armchair quarterback this world has ever seen. Now that sounds silly, but I wonder if that is what the diehard Madden competitors really feel?

I know I love the game and for many it cane be addicting. It's been in production for over 10 years and each year they somehow manage to improve on it's predecessor. All the teams and players are licensed so it's as real as it gets. There is play by play commentary by real broadcasters - John Madden of course being one of them. You hear the roar of the crowd, travel to all the authentic fields and feel the pressure of the big game. It's just as real as it gets. That is why EA Sports has always coined the phrase "If it's in the game, it's in the game". What has made Madden even more fun the last few years is the ability to play it online. Pop it into your PlayStation 2, hook up your broadband connection and you can play your buddy in another state or a total stranger from around the world. You can even talk smack to them via the headset making it feel like they are right there in your living room with you.

If you've never played Madden and you like football or video games, I highly suggest you go pick it up. It's in stores now and sells for about $50, but if you are a cheap ass and want to wait a year, then it will be half price or even lower. Also check out "NCAA Football '06" (also available now) and the first "Arena Football '06" coming February 7th. So forget your fantasy football on paper, pick up the real deal in Madden '06.

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