Thursday, October 6, 2005

He Who Gets Jumped Has The Last Laugh

I had an interesting night last night - I got jumped. If you didn't already know, I'm into speed bikes/sport bikes, whatever you want to call them - crotch rockets. One of the things I like to do is illegal street racing. Now before everyone goes off on how bad and dangerous that is, I know already. We have a couple streets that we do it on where there is no traffic. They are isolated locations and it's word of mouth to find them and know where and when the races take place. Everyone who goes has a bike they are willing to race otherwise they wouldn't be there. Sure there are a couple "on lookers" who just like to watch, but even most of them come with a speed bike and check out the scene perhaps looking to one day race. 99% of the time it's good, clean fun and nothing bad ever happens. Everyone shares a common love in racing, a thirst for an adrenaline rush and has mutual respect for one another. Of course, it only takes a handful of trashy Harley guys to come in and f*ck things up.

I don't know what their problem is, but for starters they don't even belong there because you don't race cruiser style bikes. They have no business even showing up to watch. They only came looking for trouble and wanting to start a fight. I say that based on a few prior encounters with this same group of Harley guys. They are nothing short of some old overweight men who drink too much, walk around trying to flex their beer muscles and think they are better than everyone on earth. For whatever reason they seem to have a real problem with speed bike guys and in particular me it seems. Why that is, I have no clue. Harley riders and speed bike riders alike go to this one sports bar and grill place on Thursday nights which we nicknamed as "Bike Night". It's just to hangout, have a few drinks, eat some food and BS with other riders. It's harmless and a good time is had by all, except when these guys show up. The first time I ever saw them is when I pulled into the parking lot and before I had even stopped or took my helmet off or anything, they had some shit to say. I don't even recall what exactly the remark was, but it was something along the lines of them calling us a bunch of "fagots". Now if I was gay, maybe I would take offense, but I just saw it as them being childish and insecure so I ignored them. Then that same night we could hear them making more comments about us. They did it in way that we were suppose to believe it was a private conversation they were having, but we knew damn well they were saying it loud enough for us to overhear on purpose. I suppose their goal was to get a rise out of one of us - still we ignored them.

A week went by and again we ran into them at "Bike Night". As always they had the same remarks to say as soon as they spotted us there. A few of my friends had just about enough and wanted to go over and see what exactly their problem was. Sure I was tired of them shooting their mouth off for no reason and to be perfectly honest I felt like putting them in their place, but I thought it was a waste of time. You can't reason with the retarded. There were more of them than us and if it would turn into some huge fight, then perhaps we may even win but what good does that do? Their little remarks weren't really hurting me. It just made them look like a bunch of morons with nothing better to do with their lives than be 40+ year old playground bullies. I thought it was kind of sad in a way. Over the course of the next few months we would see these guys and some nights there were no comments from them and other nights they wouldn't shut up. Just when I thought they had given up on trying to get a reaction out of us with all the "fag insults" and other remarks, they overstepped the line. My one buddy had brought his girlfriend with him. We planned on having dinner inside because it was a little cold out and I knew she wouldn't want to hang outside with a bunch of guys talking about motorcycles. So when we arrived, my buddy ran into a co-worker and went over to say hello to him. So then his girlfriend and I were left waiting for him and she told me she was going to run inside and put our name on the list to be seated since the place was packed. I said ok and told her I would hang back so my buddy didn't think we both disappeared on him. I had a feeling that was a mistake as soon as I said that to her and watched her start to walk away.

She would have to pass those scummy Harley guys and my gut was telling me they would make some remark to her because I saw them take notice that she was with us when we arrived. I started to follow her a little and kept an eye on the Harley guys to make sure they didn't do anything dumb. The parking lot was packed and as I made my way thru the crowd, I could see up ahead that they managed to strike up a conversation with her as she had one hand on the door going into the restaurant. She's a very polite, trusting and sometimes naive type of girl so I knew these guys were going to use that to their advantage. By the time I reached her, the conversation had ended and these guys just gave me a smirk as I passed them. I asked her what they said. She rattled off a few things to me, but it all did seem rather non-important and just some idle chit chat that went on which was a good thing. I was afraid they were going to be rude or say or do something to cause a real problem. Now we are up to present time and date...well what happened yesterday.

At the races last night, I see the same group of Harley guys show up. Obviously something is up and that is not a good sign. It turns out later that they were fishing for information from my buddy's girlfriend as to when and where we do these street races at so they could show up at the secluded location. They were hoping to start a fight where there isn't anyone around. Plus, who would call the cops if a fight was going on because we aren't suppose to be racing to being with. Perhaps these dirt bags aren't that dumb afterall. All I could think of is that I was in a particular irritated mood because earlier I spent most of the day listening to a girl bitch at me about a number of things and I really wasn't in the mood to hear anymore more shit from anyone. So as soon as the one guy saw me, he did this whistle at me like a construction guy would do to a woman on the street. I gave him the finger as I ignored him and walked by. Then I hear him yell out "you want to finger me with that fagot"? I tell him that he is going to have to be someone else's bitch because I'm not into that style (excuse the language). Apparently that is what he was looking to hear - something to piss him off and test his homophobic issues. You think everyone laughing at them would be a big enough clue to tell them they aren't welcome and to get lost, but I guess not. They decided to stay and keep it up. More and more of the same types of remarks. Really I'm not stupid. I can see there is 4 of them and 1 of me. Sure some of these other guys might help me out if a fight would take place, but you can't count on that. I'm not a small guy at 6'1 and just under 200lbs, but then I'm not the biggest guy either and I certainly don't go around fighting people on the street for fun. I know what these guys wanted to do to me and I wasn't going to encourage it, but I certainly won't put up with shit non-stop or back down if I'm attacked.

Eventually the races are over and people start clearing out. The Harley guys stick around - how ironic. Next thing I know I'm blindsided by by the one guy. He cracks me good along my right eye just on the brow bone. It sounded like it cracked to me ,but it happened so fast that it was hard to know what was going on. Then I feel a second guy push me from behind. I am hit once more before I am able to get to my feet and see who and exactly how many people I am even fighting. I turn to face them and see that it's 3 on 1. Sounds fair, right? It would of probably been 4 on 1, but the one guy ran like a pussy. To make a long story short, somehow I mange to whip on these guys by myself. A couple other guys that were left from the races were willing to help out, but I felt like it's my fight and if they want to go 3 on 1 because that is the only way they feel they can beat me, then I want them to try and do it. They talk alot of shit, so why not back it up? They couldn't even face me to start the fight. They had to throw a cheap shot from behind when I wasn't looking or expecting to get me off guard. That is weak. It says alot about their character. I never started a fight with them. In fact, I never said a word to them until last night. I have always ignored and "turned the other cheek" so to speak, but alot of good that did me - I get blindsided when I do that. A few weeks ago I had even bought the one guy a beer when my one buddy was joking around with them and they were taking offense. I thought I would smooth things out and call a truce to it, but like I said before, there is no reasoning or rationalizing with the retarded. I guess they didn't know I boxed for years or they may of looked to pick on someone else. I wonder how they feel now not only getting their asses kicked 3 on 1, but also getting beat by a "fag"...or so they like to think I am.

Moral of the story kids, it's good/smart/mature to turn the other cheek in life and ignore "bullies". You may even try to talk the problem out and call a truce, but it takes both sides to find peace and there is a time when you have to defend yourself if the other guy isn't interested in your "peace". Don't let "Tender Heart Bear" up there fool you. He has a good idea in theory, but this is the real world and not Care Bear land. Speaking of "Tender Heart Bear", I did get some TLC on my injuries last night. I wasn't going to go the hospital mostly because I had to think of a "legal excuse" as to why I was all beat up. Otherwise they will consider that an assault case and I didn't want to get into that mess. However, I was bleeding pretty bad above my eye and I wasn't able to put my helmet back on to ride home because the swelling was causing pain. I have a hairline fracture above my right eye that also required 12 stitches to close the cut. I have some bruising, but nothing I can't cover up by wearing sunglasses today and working from home. They didn't check for a concussion, but I'm having a real headache today so I'm not sure if that means anything or not. If it doesn't go away, I'll go back in and have them take an MRI just to be safe. Hope all of you had an eventful last night too, but in a good way.

Feel free to leave me your virtual "kiss the boo boo and make it better" or you can you do it in person if you prefer. Then again, you may think I'm a big childish thug for getting into this scrap so just to make it clear...he started it! Ha-ha. ;)

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