Saturday, October 22, 2005

Hurricane Survival Kit

With cleanup of Hurricane Katrina still going on and the latest addition of Hurricane Wilma now hitting the Gulf Coast, it's important to gather together a hurricane survival kit. Sure it might be a little late to gather the necessities for those areas already hit, but who isn't to say your hometown isn't next in line to be under 10 feet of water? In life you need to remember that anything can happen and because of that, you should be prepared for the unthinkable. So let's review the crucial checklist if you should find yourself in a flooded area.

Toilet Paper....................check
Bud Light....................check
Keystone Ice....................check
Red Dog....................check
Misc. other bottles of alcohol....................check
Piece of plywood to float your chick and booze on.....check.

Yes folks, forget the staples like food for your emaciated family. It's crucial that we hold on dearly to that key item that will keep our sanity and keep us "afloat" thru the tough times - alcohol...and lots of it! The waters may be high and the situation dangerous, but you are lit and you don't give a f*ck. Your only concern is how you will freeze the contaminated flood water so you can put your beer on ice. Screw it, we will drink it warm. Here's to you flood victims - cheers.

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