Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Snow Falling In Fall?

This is just bizarre! Yesterday I was talking to someone and they asked me if it was snowing where I live yet. I laughed and said no, don't rush it, it's only Fall here and we have 2 more months before snow makes an appearance. Now living it Pittsburgh, I suppose it's not unheard of to have snow fall in October, but I can tell you that it is very rare and I have never seen it happen since I've been alive. Well either the person who talked to me is part witch or from the Psychic Friends Network because that is just what I woke up to this morning - snow! Now I should of snapped my own backyard photo of this because it was really a site to see. Picture the greenest grass, trees full with color and scattered leaves on the ground. Then add to that mix a thin brilliant white dusting of snow flakes highlighting everything in sight. It's pretty amazing and would make a great photo! However, I was half asleep and too lazy to think of capturing the moment so you will have to accept this shot from a local park that someone else took.

Don't hate me for being too lazy to capture the moment myself. I mean the last few days it's been raining and we all know how great rain makes you sleep soundly. Then add to the fact that I just got my fireplace installed in my bedroom and was eager to take advantage of it since it's been about 50 degrees here lately. So when my alarm went off, I heard my dog just groan as to say "morning already, ugh" and I slowly got up and happen to glance out the window and couldn't believe what I was seeing. It wasn't even cold enough last night to snow, but somehow it did. One of the perks of running your own business, you can sometimes hit the snooze and curl back up in bed for a little while longer. It was cold, dark and snowy so the best way to handle that mix is to fire up the fireplace and snuggle under the covers - ahhh. I guess in that sense, I did appreciate the premature snow. I just can't believe there were 4 school closings and delays on the news - wimps.

You know who I do blame for the snow? Not the weather man who didn't predict this, but the malls! That's right, I blame all those stores who have to rush every season before it's time to even begin thinking of the next upcoming holiday. I hate all of you! You shove Christmas jingles down our throats the first week in October! Some stores try and force you into the holiday spirit even earlier than that! You are all crazy and annoying. I love Christmas as much as the next guy, but damn it I will be a Grinch about it when it's 3-4 months in advance. There is no reason for this premature celebrating. We all know that most men will still wait until December 24 to begin their Christmas shopping, so really the stores aren't accomplishing anything. The only way you will get me into that mall this early (still in Fall I might add) with a holiday shopping list in hand is if you scatter those Victoria's Secret models in their bras and panties from Chick-Fillet to Banana Republic to Sears and across Macy's and beyond! Otherwise take your ho-ho-ho crap and stuff it until the day AFTER Thanksgiving. Quick, everyone hurry to get the Spring line in the stores now! Hurry, time is wasting and we need to move fast! It's only 6 months away...RUN FOREST, RUN!

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