Monday, October 17, 2005

My Three Sons

Big news - I've found my 3rd son! Yes, my three sons. Well, they aren't really my sons and the DNA will back that up. In fact they have no clue who I am and vice versa. However, I call them "my three sons" because this is very possibly the kind of kids I would raise. As I've said before, the apple doesn't fall from the tree. So take a glimpse in my crystal ball and see what my future offspring could be like. Below is the youngest of the three.

Yes, he's an entrepreneur just like his old man. Now for a look at his 2 older brothers. The middle child is a breast man and the oldest likes to "f*ck on the 1st date". Charming young men, aren't they? I thought so too. I'm very proud of how well they are turning out. The photo in this post is courtesy of "ka's blog". Yes, I stole it. I'm trying to set a positive role model for my boys here. Like father, like son. So now I ask you, will I be up for father of the year award? Is it too early to breakout the #1 Dad hat? I think not.

Is it wrong to go into business against your son? I realize that my little man here is onto something rather genius! I see him turning out a profit and being an entrepreneur. I know the importance of profit. However, sometimes profit isn't the only thing that matters. Sometimes it's about the quality of work you do and how satisfied the customer is with your services. Also it's about the feeling you receive from giving such services. So with all of that in mind, I've given this careful consideration and thought. I've decided to open up shop as well! That's right - Brazilians for FREE! You can't beat FREE! Not only will my Brazilian services be free of charge, but I will use more precision tools than my son does. No more child safe scissors with rounded edges, no I will be giving a true Brazilian the way God and Brazil intended it to be - silky smooth! Razors, wax, whatever it takes to get the job done...and a job well done it shall be! ;)

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