Saturday, October 1, 2005

Guest Blogger To Be Announced

It's the traditional first of the month post and usually I do a quick recap on what topics I covered on the blog over the last 30 days (give or take a few). I'm not really in the mood to do that today for a few reasons. I'm a little burnt out on things and bored with blogging in general right now. Also, I just had to delete over 30 spam comments spread all over my blog which was annoying. I really don't want to turn on "word verification", but if the spam gets out of hand, then I may. It seems they are only targeting a few particular posts and unfortunately blogger doesn't allow you to turn on "word verification" for individual posts. You have to apply the setting to the entire blog. Maybe just on the weekend or at night I will turn on "word verification" because that seems to be the times the spam bots attack my blog the most. With that aside, here is some good news for my loyal readers...

I'm finally putting my guest blogger idea into action! I've been meaning to pick someone to write some posts for me, giving me a break and changing things up around here. So I think I've made my choice on who will be my first guest blogger. Want to know who? Well, you will have to wait because it's going to remain a secret until they post, which should be sometime in the following week. I like to build up the anticipation and excitement with this teaser - eww ahh. Want a little clue as to who it is? The only info I will give out is that they are female. Hmm, now you are really curious, right? You can throw guesses out if you want, but I won't give it away. Time will soon unveil the mystery guest blogger's true identity!

Now for any new readers who are visiting my blog for the first time today, here is what you've missed in the last month. Since it's October and also the beginning of the fall season, I will sum this up in a "nutshell" - hardy har har...bad joke I know. The highlights included some chit chat about hurricane Katrina, Apple being dumb, Jude Law's nude photos, fellow blogger Gina's in-depth interview of me, the NFL season kicking off, remembering 9-11, the birth of Britney's baby and more than a handful of posts of a "sexual nature" (always interesting stuff). To check all the posts out from last month and all the previous months, visit my Archive linked to your right.

Probably the most noted parts is when I touched on some "hot button topics" which is normally something I stay away from (blacks, gays, Muslims, God, politics and even an anti-rape device). They caused a good discussion, even if it was a controversial one with varying opinions. Despite the hot button topics, somehow I seem to have ignited a fire when I did a couple personal posts on some poetic song lyrics, my first PhotoShop art piece and a little love note I had written to someone. I certainly expected some heat over the "hot button topics", but not over my personal posts. The reaction/comments I get on my blog are very strange sometimes. I'm not sure I will ever really understand some people, but the month is over with and it's time for some fresh content - welcome October.

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