Friday, September 30, 2005

This Will Melt Your Panties Off!

Is it too early to start thinking about Christmas? If you answered "hell yes it's only September" then normally I would agree with you, but not today. Today I am saying yes to thinking about Christmas, but more importantly yes to thinking about a Victoria's Secret Christmas! You all know how much I love that store - the matching bras and panties, the little see thru teddies, the list goes on and on. It's just heaven! I'm not sure what this year's holiday season campaign at VS will be, but I'm hoping it's as hot if not hotter (is that even possible?) than last years. Take a trip down steamy memory lane with me and relive the 2004 commercial. Trust me, you will want to see this!

Play Video Here

Throughout the video the seductive words of...'Tell me you love me. Tell me you miss me. Tell me you want me. Excite me. Dazzle me. Delight me. Bring me to my knees. There is no gift like a Christmas gift from Victoria's Secret. Tell me there is no other woman in the world like me." are repeated over and over again by Victoria's Secrets various top models. I don't care what anyone says, that is THE HOTTEST COMMERCIAL EVER MADE! Oh my God! If that doesn't make you want to run out to Victoria's Secret than there is something wrong with you. I could watch that ad 100 times and still be turned on by it. I know the guys have to agree with me and I'm willing to bet the women do to. If you know a hotter advertising campaign, I sure would like to see it because I don't see how anyone could beat this! The marketing group on this one was just pure genius, simple but yet so effective. It talks to both sexes.

What guy doesn't want to see his girlfriend dressed in one of those skimpy numbers talking all sexy to him and what girl doesn't want her guy to buy her that stuff and say all those romantic phrases to her...and if he actually meant them, I'm sure that would be even better. I'll tell you whatever you want to hear and then some more if you just run that video one more time. Bring me to MY knees - I bow before your beauty.

It's hard for me to pick a favorite clip from the video since they are all so great. Although if I must choose just one, I would say it's the scene with the girl in the bedroom that has her arms all twisted and tied in the sheets doing a stripper-like dance in front of the fireplace. I thought about putting a fireplace in my bedroom a few weeks ago and now after seeing this, I think it's mandatory I do just that. As you may know, VS also runs the "Angels" campaign with these same models. So if any of those Angels want to drop out of heaven and fall on top my lap and play Santa Claus, I would be more than ok with that. I've already begun collecting my list of "naughty girls" for this year and believe it or not, all of those models are on it! It looks like they will have to sit on Santa's lap and tell me what they want. Perhaps if they are "bad" enough, they just may even get it!

Credit to "TTiSoB's Blog" for finding and hosting the video. See my other Victoria's Secret post of interest...

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