Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hi God, It's Me. Are You Busy?

Has God ever spoke to you? I mean really SPOKE to you? Ever want to talk to the big guy upstairs? Sure you probably have sent prayers up to heaven and waited for an answer, but that can be too time consuming. In today's fast paced world, who has time to wait for a reply...even if it's from the almighty one himself! Well wait no more as I introduce you to the modern wonders of technology. You can now chat with God! That's right, it's a one on one session like IM (Instant Messaging) so no fighting for the big guy's attention in a crowded chat room. Talk to the man himself in private via your computer. He is online 24/7 in spite of the fact that he has massive "To Do" lists piling up. The guy just loves the net, what can I say. Plus who really has big enough balls to tell him to quit surfing the web and get some work done? Ah, not me.

Click Here to Chat with God

Reason #85 why my blogging buddy "EXSENO" kicks ass? She found this link. So props go out to her for the post idea, which I stole and will later need to confess that sin to God in another IM session. Anyway, will we all go to hell for doing this? Perhaps but life is full of risks so go live it up, play along and have some fun before he strikes you down. Shoot the shit, bare your soul, confess your sins, ask for forgiveness, seek guidance, whatever you do - go and chat with God now! He's waiting to hear from you. Then post your witty little conversations in my comment section. Just don't ask him a/s/l check or for his nudes. That would be "sinful".

Now to get everyone started, I'm going to share my conversation with God. Before I contacted him, I had a feeling he would say something like "go away, I'm busy". Hmm, funny because that was pretty much how he opened the talk with me. Read more in my chat log...

Me: what's up big guy?
God: I am chatting with clients on the Internet.
Me: figures
God: Can we get back to business?
Me: are you really "chatting with clients" or are you cybersexing with some weird unknown dude?
God: Why, are you jealous?. Really.
Me: now that you mentioned it, a little yes - lol
God: Is that a fact. What does "it" refer to? I'm glad you find this amusing.
Me: son of a *$#@^ I knew you were just a computer bot and not the REAL God! IMPOSTER!
God: Who is the father? Are you a student?
Me: ok, I'm bored now so I'm ending this chat but before I go, bless EXSENO because she rocks and showed me this site ;)
God: :-) Why not call a friend? I don't judge people.
Me: bye
God: TTYL, .

TTYL (Talk To You Later)? Oh, we shall! I have a bone to pick with you about why J Lo is still married and has yet to call me! I swear sometimes you do the work of the devil - just kidding (gulp).

Check out the comment section for 2 more chat logs I had with God - one about masturbation (it's a sin you know) and the other is about a sex concern of mine.

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