Tuesday, September 6, 2005

SOS - The King Of The Blog Is Sinking

I hope everyone enjoyed the long holiday weekend and did a "labor of love" act (like I posted about the other day) while still managing to have some fun in the process. I had a somewhat interesting Labor Day which involved the cops and no I'm not blogging from the State Pen right now. I will post more on that later. Today however I want to mention a few things as my belated 1st of the month rambling. My blog visits have plummeted, but that is expected since I hadn't done any updates to it in about 2 weeks. Then I tried to make-up for the absence by uploading 12 new posts in a single day! Also being that when I finally did update, it occurred on a Friday and that seems to be a slow traffic day in the blogosphere. Not to mention when a weekend hits and especially a holiday weekend in the summer of all time, don't expect many people to get online to visit any site. It just doesn't happen.

I have to put up this quote from one of the comments left on a previous post because it made me laugh...

"How'd I miss the return of the King? Welcome back, Diamondkt!" - MisFitToy

Well it appears the ship is sinking. I'm no longer the "King Of The Blog". My blog is changing from the mighty Titanic to a deflated raft so I have to turn this around and fast before it goes under! I'll do my best to keep posting and on a consistent basis like you are use to. I've just had other things going on in my life that has taken priority over blogging. I'm sure you all understand. So I'm hoping I'll get my hits back up to around the 80 a day I was getting and the blog will become more active again. If it doesn't happen, oh well I guess. Nothing I can do about it really, but I'll probably still keep blogging if for nobody else, at least it will be for me and I'm fine with that - honest. Still, it would be cool if everyone returned! ;)

It's another new month and every month I try to do some changes for the better concerning the blog here. I still haven't done the guest blogger idea I had last month, so I'll have to put that together. Also I think I am in need of a new blog poll on the right. I'm going to make a little "Voting Poll Archive" too for anyone who wants to see some of the results of past polls I have done. I've noticed that I get alot of visitors from outside the US, many of which I'm sure don't speak English as their 1st language. So I thought it might be helpful and perhaps an interesting thing to do if I gave visitors the option of reading my blog in different languages. The site would remain in English by default, but you could translate everything with just a click of the mouse if you wish to see it in Spanish, German, Italian, ect. There has been a buzz about the spam comments left on everyone's blogs as of late. For my blog, I've had little of that which I'm thankful for. As you know Blogger gives their users the option to turn on "Word Verification" to help those who are experiencing an abundance of spam. Personally, I find the extra step of making my visitors login in and type in that code to be a pain in the butt. Therefore I have it turned off on my blog. However if spam becomes an issue, I may turn it on temporarly to help eliminate the problem.

Lastly, I've been interviewed! I was put in the hot seat and asked to answer questions of a variety of computer security questions that concern big corporations to even the average Joe home computer user. I outline steps on how to protect yourself and what critical mistakes businesses make when it comes to keeping hackers at bay. I discuss how I got into being a Network Security Consultant and what the average day in my life is like at work. I touch on my first job ever growing up, the best advice I've ever been given or gave and I even get a little personal and let people know what I look for in a woman. Then for all you bloggers, I give my thoughts on what I think makes a good blog and I throw out some tips to increase traffic to your site. Good stuff, right? If you want to read the interview, check out Gina Burgess's blog in the future. I'm not sure when she will post it, but when she does, I'm also going to link to it here too.

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