Monday, September 5, 2005

A Labor Of Love This Labor Day

Labor Day usually marks the end of summer. Well it's not officially the last day of summer according to the calendars, but close enough. It also means that the kiddies are back in school and it's our last chance to have that final hoary throwing a backyard BBQ/pool party. Unfortunately for many, this Labor Day weekend doesn't bring weenie roasting and beer toasting, but yet it brings a dramatic life adjustment and an endless amount of tears. I'm talking about those that are trying to recover from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Their overwhelming amount of pain and despair is almost too much for most of us to comprehend. Those of us that are lucky enough not to live in any of those affected states, count your blessings!

Just try and imagine what it must be like to lose everything you own. Think what it must feel like to not have anywhere to go, nowhere to sleep, nothing to eat, having only the clothes on your back and then on top of all of that...throw on the emotional strain of having missing loved ones or not being able to even morn or give a proper burial to friends and family members who have lost their lives in the disaster. Sorry to depress you, but that is reality for millions of people this Labor Day weekend. Now what can you do?

This Labor Day set aside a little time to do an act of what I call "a labor of love". Whether it be helping some of the Hurricane victims with a donation or volunteering at an organization, give back to the world. I think we can all agree that there is alot of terrible things going on with the war on terrorism and the devastation of this latest natural disaster, but perhaps you can make a difference. Even if you think it doesn't count, it does. If nothing else comes out of your "labor of love" act, then at least I can guarantee you that you will go to bed tonight feeling better about the person you are and the display of kindness you have shown.

My sister is doing her part by running in a race where she will be sponsored. All donations will go to help The American Cancer Society. It's sort of like "Race For The Cure". If you are in the Southern California area, check it out. I'm sure similar races and other events are also being held all over the US this weekend. So go out, sign up and run or sponsor a local runner to help fight cancer. I'm done preaching now, but just remember that it's your life, your money and your time...let's hope you use all three wisely.

You probably want to know what I am doing as my "labor of love" this weekend. Well I may post about it later this week. For now, my virtual "labor of love" is to my loyal bloggers who have been awaiting my return and are anxious for some new posts. So the time has come to upload a bunch of new material to the blog. Scroll down for 12, YES 12, NEW POSTS ADDED! I think that should make up for my absence. Thanks again to all of those that wished me well and missed me while I was away from blog land. Now I'm back, at least for awhile anyway. So I hope you enjoy and have a happy Labor Day!

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