Saturday, September 24, 2005

Change Is Good

Changing your underwear is good, changing your blog is even better! How about changing your language or learning a new one? Now you can do it on my blog - whoppie! Alright so I'm being a little over excited, which by the way isn't genuine, but it spices this post up. Now for the obvious - I've made some changes to my blog. It's about time, right? I know I've been saying I am going to do it for awhile now but never really found the time to sit down and just make the changes. So in the course of the next few days, I will introduce 5 new changes and additions to my blog.

  • Language Translation Tools - Translate my blog into 1 of these 5 more common languages (Español, Deutsche, Français, Italiano, Português).
  • IM Post Option - The ability to e-mail a post has always been there, but now I've added the ability to send a post to your buddy via AOL Instant Messenger.
  • Extra Links - The changes are subtle here and there, but if you look closely enough, you'll find them.
  • Voting Poll Archive - A statistical list of all my past voting poll questions and results.
  • New Voting Poll Up - Some of you have already noticed it, but if not, go and vote today!

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