Sunday, September 4, 2005

Possibly The Biggest Tech Blunder Of All Time

Everyone knows the ongoing war between Apple and Microsoft. Apple has been known to recreate technology and make it into something beautiful and simple to use - thus their best selling point. Microsoft on the other hand has always been the leader when it comes to software sales. Their Windows operating system is on more desktops and laptops than Mac and Linux combined - thus making them the superpower and some even say "monopoly" when it comes to technology and business. So when Apple came up with the iPod, you would think they would be smart enough to patent the world's #1 selling MP3 player, right? Wrong! It is perhaps the biggest tech blunder of all time and this mistake may cost them dearly as no other than their top enemy, Microsoft, has spotted the foul-up and is looking to cash in on their idea.

I was shocked when I heard this news. How could something like this happen? How can a great company like Apple be so careless? They spend so much time designing, testing and perfecting a product but they failed to do one of the most important things - patent it! Anyone with half a brain knows that the minute you get a great/new idea, you keep it quiet. Then you check to see if anyone else has come up with your idea. If not, then you work out all the kinks and go to get a patent on it. I have a hard time believing that not a single soul in Apple's entire team of legal consultants, engineers, marketing/sales and even the PR group didn't say something, anything! Even I got a patent for something I am working on. Come on Apple, think! Their slogan is "Think Different". They thought different alright. They thought dead wrong that Microsoft wouldn't jump at this patent and steal the idea. I think Apple just needs to "think", period.

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