Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Oh No You D-Int

A rare double post is called for today. In conjunction with the Kanye West's remarks "George Bush hates black people", it's only fair we also scrutinize another man. His name is Wolf Blitzer. He is a CNN reporter who's comment would be getting huge media attention had it not been for Kanye West's little outburst. While a news video tape was rolling some footage of the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina, Wolf Blitzer did his traditional play-by-play commentary. As usual he read partially from a script of facts and figures, but at the same time would adlib to the presentation. However, this time things would be alot different. Blitzer would do the ultimate "insert foot into mouth" stunt as he casually blurted out things running thru his head. He said and I quote... "they are so poor and so black".

Cover your ears, not your eyes!

Ah, what? Did he just say what I thought he said? Surely he must be referring to the fact that the water was making some people muddy = black? No, that wasn't it. He meant exactly what it sounded like. It's hard to cover that blunder and it's even harder to rationalize why he made the comment. Sorry pal, but it looks like you are going to have to live with the backlash on that one. Lucky for you, Kanye West may of overshadowed your KKK mentality. Therefore Kanye is taking more of the media attention (whether good or bad) than Blitzer.

I can just picture Wolf Blitzer trying to leave the CNN studio after a comment like that aired. I bet it was much like Wil Farrell in the movie "Anchor Man" when he signed off the evening news with the phrase "F*ck you San Diego". Like Wil Farrell, Wolf Blitzer probably needed escorted out of the building. Ok, that might be stretching it a bit far, but I'm sure he heard an earful from alot of people...especially when he told a black co-worker that he couldn't drink out of the same water cooler as him in the office! JOKING.

By the way, if you got offended by the post title, then you have no sense of humor. It's a joke. It wasn't a dig on how anyone talks. So lighten up if it bothered you. I have black friends and white friends and friends of other "colors". I make that no secret. However if I ever make a "green friend" (an ET), I will keep him a secret. ;)

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