Friday, September 9, 2005

My Interview - Uncut, Uncensored, Real and Raw

How about that for a post title? Ha-ha. Maybe it will catch your attention and make you want to read what I had to say when a fellow blogger by the name of Gina Burgess asked if she could interview me. Of course I was flattered at the offer and said sure. Gina had found my blog one day while surfing the net and says she became intrigued in what I posted here, spending an hour just reading what I had to say! Yeah, now there is some love. I'm not sure if I would spend an hour even listening to myself talk. I kid of course, but seriously like many of you that visit my blog on a regular basis, chances are you have an interest in computers stuff too just like Gina does. Although she not only wanted to learn more about what I do, but she also wanted to look a little deeper into "the mystery" of DIAMONDKT". Who am I really? Well you can find out by reading the interview.

My brain was picked on a variety of issues from how I help protect the government from hackers to how the average Joe home computer user can protect even some personal things like what was the best advice I was ever given or gave in life to what I look for in a woman - including in the bedroom! Ahh, so now you are intrigued to read right? Perverts all of you. Now Gina's blog sticks with a "Christian theme" so she asked me if it was ok if she omitted some parts of the interview that got a little "dirty". You have to respect that and it's her interview after all, so I am fine with it. Of course, some of you may want to see the full length interview with all that dirt still in there right? Yeah, I thought you would nod your head yes to that. So your wish is my command. Just don't blame me when you burn in hell for your sick twisted ways and the sheer fact you want to read this filth. Ok, it's hardly dirty but still I thought you might enjoy.

It's a lengthy 3 part interview that I broke up into 3 posts.

So if you don't read it all I would understand. Will I be hurt and cry? Yes, I will. Will you go straight to hell for not reading every word I had to say? That is for certain! So you know what the right thing is to do now, so go and do it - read away and give me your thoughts in the comment sections as always. Also please visit Gina's blog and leave her a comment too about my interview which can be found on her site at these 2 links...

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