Saturday, September 17, 2005

Expand Your Blog With Multimedia

The 3rd post I ever did on my blog was 01/03/05 Defining Terms - Blog, Blogging, Blogger and Moblogs. As you know a blog is usually produced via a computer using mostly text and photos, but the ability to update your blog via your camera phone (moblog) has been a very popular method as well. The photos you snap with your phone become the content for your blog. Don't ask me why they never called it "photo blogging", they just didn't. It's called moblogging because it's "mobile". Since then, along has come "audio blogging" and "video blogging".

Audio blogging is just what it sounds like. It's a blog post usually produced thru your cell phone. It's done by placing a call into the Blogger service which then is recorded and uploaded to your blog as content. Video blogging works much the same way, except it's video produced from your cell phone. So as you see, blogs aren't limited to their content. Just like a traditional website, you have the ability to produced you very own photos, audio and even video to share with the entire world. Now whether or not anyone cares to see your creations is another story, but at least the option to do so is there for you.

Now the bad news. Blogger does not yet have video blogging abilities setup, but I'm sure in the future they will. Good news is that they already have dedicated pages for anyone with a Blogger account to setup a moblog or audioblog. So if you are interested in expanding your blogging capabilities and beyond, then check out those 2 links. Also, I should note that there are "work arounds" for posting photos, audio and video content to your blog even if you do not have a cell phone that is capable of producing such content. However, that is a little more detailed of an explanation so I will save that technical teaching for a future post of mine. So for now, work with what you got and make it good!

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