Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Potty Humor

When nature calls, you must answer it. Even if you remember to relieve yourself before hand, sometimes that just isn't enough and urgency is now upon you. Such is the case for our President. Everyone is getting a kick out of this little note President Bush wrote to the Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice...or as my friends and I refer to her, Cunilinguist Rice. (Yes, we have little boy potty humor, but it's funny though right?) During a very important meeting with other world leaders at the 60th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, Dubya "passed a note in class". The note was asking permission to go potty. Reuters photographer Rick Wilking was on hand to catch this photo over the President's shoulder.

The note said "I think I may NEED a BATHroom break?" The words "need" and "break" appeared in a thick block script while the other phrase still being written read "Is this possib..." The photographer later commented that he took upwards of 200 pictures during that UN meeting and at first glance he did not find any picture useful. Although his editor just happened to zoom in on this specific photo and couldn't resist sharing the potty humor.

Now before anyone bashes Bush for this, remember his father? In 1989 President Bush (senior) vomited on Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori’s lap! If only he had asked for a bathroom break too, perhaps that could of been prevented. We don’t want that type of history to repeat itself, or even worse, have Dubya shit his pants! I mean the guy is in enough shit already with the war, Katrina and oh yeah...hating black people. ;)

This just in! Cunilinguist Rice passed a note back to Bush asking..."Are you sure Mr. President because you said you THINK you have to go? I don't want to take you there again this time and have it be another false alarm. I told you to go before we left the White House. You never listen. 1 or 2? This meeting blows! I think I will play in PhotoShop. Colin Powell looks kinda cute today. Do you think he would go out with me? Write back." (True story, well the first part of this post was.)

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