Friday, September 16, 2005

It's A Boy Ya'll!

Britney Spears, who sang "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman", is now a Mommy and she's ecstatic about it. Spears and hubby, Kevin Federline, posted this statement on the singer's website..."We are ecstatic to announce the birth of our son! Everyone is happy, healthy and doing wonderful. Thank you for all your love and well wishes!!" Yes I know, we are all sick of Britney baby talk, but the little monster is now here so I just had to do a post announcing it for those of you not up on this earth shattering news.

The baby was born Wednesday by caesarean section at the UCLA Medical Center in Santa Monica, CA. Federline didn't want to miss the birth of his 3rd child so he was right by Britney's side in the delivery room to dab the cheese doodle dust from her face. Aww, romance at it's finest! No details as to what the baby's weight was, but we do know his name - Preston Michael Spears Federline. The couple initially wanted to name the baby "London" because that is where he was conceived in various public parks while they were together in London, England 9 months ago. However, Britney decided against naming the baby London due to the fact that she associates the name with the city of London, in which she says she didn't care for the dark, warm beer she was served there. Interesting.

Besides releasing a baby into the world who's first word is likely to be "ya'll", Britney Spears also released her new fragrance this week, "Fantasy." Is she really anyone's fantasy anymore? Anyway, she says it was created with all kinds of enchanting scents including "lush red lychee" and even a "hint of cupcakes, white chocolate and jasmine." Some proof I'm not gay...what the hell is "lush red lychee" and is that a food or something like the other scents she has listed? I don't know but if she smelled like cupcakes and chocolate, I would want to eat her. Sorry, bad play on words. Ok, I wouldn't eat her now since Federline came in the picture. Oops, I did it again. Ugh, more double meanings. I'm going to shut up now and end this post before things get really raunchy around here.

Perhaps Britney will use this perfume to help mask the scent of unshowering. I would of thought she would of created a perfume that is more like her - cigarette buts, English pub beer and cheese doodles all mixed with an intoxicating hint of Kevin sweat after a long hard day of not working. Mmm, breathe it in! Wouldn't you buy it? Now that's my fantasy! Some other Britney Spears blog posts of mine...

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