Monday, September 12, 2005

Controversial Anti-Rape Device Invented

Did you know that 1 out of 3 women will be sexually assaulted sometime during their life? 1 out of 3! That is a staggering high percentage that is both shocking and sickening to me. Come to think of it, I shouldn't say it shocks me considering the fact that off the top of my head I can think of at least 5 women I know who have either been a victim of rape or it was attempted. Now I don't want this post to be about rape. I also don't want to hear bullshit like "well look what she was wearing or she was leading him on". Those excuses infuriate me. Rape is not about sex. It's about power and control. Now that's all I will say on that. Frankly, I hate the topic and it makes me very uneasy. Although I do want to get your thoughts on a controversial new anti-rape device that was introduced the other week called "Rapex".

Rapex, dubbed "the rape trap", is a condom-like device. It's appearance and function are almost medieval in terms of technology with internal hooks designed to snare rapists while in the process of committing the rape. The device, which is worn like a tampon, hooks onto a rapist during penetration and must be surgically removed from the assailant. Painful for the rapist? You better believe it! Although I think a rapist deserves it...and more if you ask me. I have no compassion or sympathy for anyone who rapes or attempts to rape a woman. Nothing will fire me up more than running into one of those scums. So here is the controversy and my question to you...

What is to prevent a woman from misusing this? Let's say you have an ex-girlfriend. For whatever reason the girl is scorned from the relationship breaking up and we all know "hell knows no furry like a woman scorned". So with that in mind, say she has taken her anger for her ex to a new level, to a dark side and beyond. Let's say she lures her ex-boyfriend back in and acts like she wants to sleep with him. It’s consensual and then in the back of her head she is thinking “pay back time asshole” and that thing snaps down on his d*ck! What is to stop people like that from using Rapex (which was meant for a different purpose) to punish and possibly permanently injuring someone who isn't a sex offender, but perhaps just guilty of getting involved with a crazy revengeful chick? Let's be realistic, even though Rapex may be a somewhat simple, clever and very effective idea in you really think women would get into the habit of wearing this on a regular basis? I doubt it. It's not like you know "when" you would need to wear it. You would need to have it in everyday to really prevent a sexual assault so I don't see this device lowering the 1 out of 3 statistics. So then my next concern is that a woman uses it to get back at an ex. Your thoughts Lorana Bobet?

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