Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Please Re-Wire Your Mouth Kanye West

I make a point not to post about politics, religion or race issues on my blog. My reasoning for avoiding such hot button topics is because no matter what your views are on any of those issues, chances are you have some strong opinions and so does everyone else. People will disagree with one another and debate, all of which is normal and perfectly fine. I am just not interested in having my blog host that type of battle. Now with that said, I am not going to get political or racist or anything on this post, but this just irritates me so much that I felt I needed to say a few things. Perhaps some of you may agree with me and perhaps some of you may disagree. The topic on hand - Kanye West's remarks during the Red Cross fund raiser. He claims and I quote..."George Bush doesn't care about black people".

As you probably already know, rapper Kanye West criticized George Bush on live TV during "A Concert For Hurricane Relief". West was presenting a 90-second segment with Mike Myers when during the show the rapper went off script. To the surprise of Myers and the rest of the world, Kanye West took it upon himself to use what was suppose to be a charity fund to raise money for the Hurricane Katrina victims, but instead was used as West's political soapbox. For whatever reason Kanye West decided that he was now the official spokesperson for the black community. He exclaimed: "I hate the way they portray us in the media. If you see a black family, it says they're looting. See a white family, it says they're looking for food." West also claimed that "they have given them permission to go down and shoot us", although he added that "the Red Cross is doing everything they can" only after telling the audience that America is set up "to help the poor, the black people, the less well-off as slow as possible". It was no surprise why West was cut off after his final statement saying "George Bush doesn't care about black people".

An NBC spokeswoman explained the crew was instructed to listen for a curse word and didn't realize West had gone off-script. A later statement added: "Kanye West departed from the scripted comments that were prepared for him and his opinions in no way represent the views of the networks. It would be most unfortunate if the efforts of the artists who participated tonight and the generosity of millions of Americans who are helping those in need are overshadowed by one person's opinion." Although that is exactly what happen. The rapper's comments went out live on the east coast, but fortunately they were cut from the west coast version which was broadcasted three hours later.

What I really have a problem with is not the fact that I disagree with Kanye West's statements, but I can't stand the way in which all celebrities take it upon themselves to either self promote or spew political messages to the public during award shows and now even telethons. Why is it not obvious to the celebrity, when it is obvious to the public, that the reason they are being given that TV time to being with is for a completely different purpose? Take just about any awards show for example. I can't count the times that some singer or actor has grabbed the mic to spew "make love, not war" or "Michael Jackson is innocent" or take just about any hot button topic you can think of. Just leave it to a celeb to go off on a tangent about it. You are up there to accept an award. Accept it, say thanks and get off the stage! I suppose that is asking too much considering that celebrities hardly even live in the REAL world afterall. The ones you see who actually do roll up their sleeves and pitch in to help the world, usually do it for their own benefit - "if I feed a homeless kid, I will look good in the next issue of People magazine" type of attitude.

Kanye West, you have a right to free speech even if some people don't agree with your views, but there is a time and place in which to express them. Not only were your remarks RACIST, unintelligent and uncalled for, but it's unbelievable that you would take that venue as an opportunity to preach your political views. You were asked to help a cause or perhaps you even offered to help the cause. The cause was to raise money for the hurricane victims, but your cause was not the same. Your true intentions were not to aid those suffering from the flooded waters. Your actions did not help them. You were there to get into the limelight so you could publicly bash the President and go off on alot of so called "facts" that you knew little about or could backup. I doubt halfway thru the show you decided in the spur of the moment that you would go off script and preach your political views. I'm sure you knew well before you were on air that you were going to take advantage and misuse your "spokesperson" position on national TV. Yes, you were a spokesperson, but you spoke on the wrong issue. Instead you decided to stand up and act like you were the leader for an entire race - many of which do not even agree with your views. Do us all a favor Kanye, take that backpack of yours, fill it with some books and take yourself back to school. I am beginning to see why your first hit album "The College Dropout" was such a fitting title. As far as that catchy tune "Through The Wire", well you may want to consider re-wiring your mouth shut once again to avoid further embarrassment.

Now, I know everyone is sick of hearing about Hurricane Katrina and you are probably also tired of seeing everyone blog about Kanye West's remarks. I promise this will be the last of both of those things on my blog. Ahh, that felt better. End of my rant.

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