What was your first job?
My very first job as a kid was cutting grass for my Dad. Computers weren't really big back then and I had no real interest in anything but sports - lots of sports! In fact, I didn't find a interest for technology until college. I was introduced to computers back in elementary school and had some basic computer classes even thru high school, but the teachers presented the material in such a way that it made me literally HATE computers! It wasn't until somewhere during my freshman year in college that I picked up computer stuff and the majority of what I know has been self-taught. I feel that is the best way to learn, at least for me it is. I discovered a whole new world which also landed me in a bit of trouble during my early "hacking days". Later on I would discover that those "hacks" would land me some great job opportunities. In this field, sometimes you don't find the job, the job finds you. Basically, my mischief opened a door for me. It was the first step in helping pave my career and to where I am today. Being bad can be good. ;)
What was the best advice you've ever received? Who gave it to you?
That's a tough one. I've received lots of great advice thru the years - mostly from my Mom, coaches and college professors. I guess some of the best advice I have been given is to believe in yourself even if nobody else does. Hard work does pay off so push yourself above and beyond your limits. It's amazing what a strong mind can overcome - trust me on that. If you can dream it, you can achieve it. That may sound cliché, but it's true. Sure it will take time, determination and alot of hard work to get there, but it's obtainable if you want it bad enough. Everyone in life is dealt some bad cards, some more than others. So there is no reason to let the bad hand hold you back. Work with what you have and turn things around. There is nothing worse in life than someone who complains all the time or blames their hardships on everyone else. You are responsible for your own life and your own happiness. Then the people you surround yourself with will only enhance that. Choose your friends wisely and your enemies wiser. There is an old saying "don't bite the hand that feeds". Basically, everyone needs support and if you treat someone you love or care about poorly, then don't be surprised when the day comes that you need help and you reach out your hand, that they are not there to pick you up. Treat others in life as you would like to be treated. No matter where they are from or what they do, they are not beneath you.
What is the best advice you would give to someone else?
Find your passion in life! What do you love? Chances are what you love is probably also what you are good at because you devote your energy, time and heart to it. Find a way to feed off of that - literally. By that I mean you should figure out a way to do what you love for a living and still get paid for it. We all spend a great deal of the week at our jobs. Most people spend more time with co-workers than their family! So if you don't love what you do a living, change it. It's terrible to spend 40 hours or maybe even more doing a job you hate and with people you despise.
Tell us who the real Diamondkt is. What do you hope for in the next year? Five years from now?
I wouuld say the real "DIAMONDKT" is nobody special, but my friends and family would disagree. They would classify my as a pretty bright guy with a good sense of humor and big heart. I'm not your typical tech head. I would rather be outside snowboarding, mountain biking, playing hoops, ect than inside on a computer. I believe in working hard, but playing even harder. I do work alot of hours, but contrary to what many think, I also make time for other things. I love riding speed bikes and my Ducati never fails to bring a smile to my face every time I get on it. I am defiantly described as an adrenaline junkie! Don't get me wrong, I love technology and all that computer stuff, but I do know how to balance things out. I enjoy working out and going out on the weekends and to me the best weekend is a one spent AWAY from a computer. Everyone needs to "unplug" now and then.
A year from now, my goal is to have my business a little more established. I started my own business about a year ago and since then I have built-up a pretty good client list, but there is always room to improve and grow. I'm looking to hire some more engineers to work for me and perhaps get myself an assistant to help with all the paper work, phone calls and meeting scheduling. Right now I handle that on my own, but a year from now I may need a hand in doing that.
Five years from now, I hope that my hard work is paying off enough that I can have the luxury of spending extra time with my (future) wife and kids. I would like to have my work schedule flexible enough that it wouldn't be a problem to take off work for little league games or take the wife away for the weekend - just the two of us to escape everyday life. I want to be able to help out with a family as much as I can, be a real hands-on type of Dad and not just one who keeps a roof over their head and food on the table. I think 5 years from now will be a point in my life where my business is established enough that I can delegate much of the work out and be able to focus on not only being successful in my career, but successful as a husband and father as well. To me, success should not just be measured by what you do for a living or how much money you make. I think it's the overall man that you are. (Hope that doesn't sound cheesy, having a hard time wording that.)
What is your favorite thing to do on vacation?
Sometimes my favorite thing to do on a vacation is absolutely nothing. I can just lay on a beach listening to the ocean waves, let my mind mind relax and my body unwind. I might opt to make a little sand castle or burry myself in the sand (it's the kid in me). I may even dig around in the water to find a hermit crab. I like a nice quiet seafood dinner out and then take a stroll at night along the boardwalk. Then the next day I like to do a fun activity like ride a waverunner, boogie board, rock climb, anything that gets my body moving. I don't like just sitting around and being lazy. Kicking back and doing nothing is fun for a day, but after that I want action! I'm a active person and anyone who vacations with me should feel the same if we are going to have fun together.
Since you are a handsome, single, successful guy, tell us what you are looking for in a mate.
Well thank you. What I look for in a woman hasn't really changed much in the last few years. Physically, I like women with an exotic type of look. I'm a sucker for pretty eyes especially. I like long hair, blonde or brunette. Generally I date women 5'5 or taller since I am 6'1 myself. I go for women with athletic builds because I enjoy working out and a woman who takes good care of her body says alot about her personality. She tends to be dedicated, hard working, self-motivated, takes pride in her appearance and has energy for life. I like stylish women, not really high maintenance, but women who dress hip and sexy while still looking classy. A woman who can put on a sexy dress and a pair stilettos one night and then also be comfortable and look great just wearing my boxers and a tee is something I love! I'm not into fake boobs even though I've dated women with them. I do however like a nice butt like J Lo! Now personality wise, I like career/goal oriented women that in the future wouldn't mind giving that up to raise a family with me, or together we could find a way to balance career and family if she wanted that. I am able to relate to and hold a conversation longer with a woman who has more in common with me - has gone to college and has a similar background growing up or shares common interests. I enjoy a woman who can challenge my mind and hold my attention by teaching me new things.
Turn-ons would include a good sense of humor (including being able to laugh at herself at times), laid back, smart, a genuine caring nature and sex appeal. Turn-offs would include complainers, drama queens, moodiness, airheads, self-absorbed and an argumentative nature - she's right/you're wrong type of attitude. Someone who looks a the glass as half empty rather than half full when it comes to life is a downer in my book and not someone I want to hang out with. Someone who is condescending and spiteful towards me or others are two characteristics I can't stand. I'm a spontaneous and adventuress person and I enjoy a woman who is up for anything at anytime. She needs to be secure with herself because I'm a bit of a flirt, although I would never cheat or do anything to put any unnecessary stress on a girlfriend or the relationship. I like women who can be open with me and in turn I will be open with them. Sometimes a problem comes up or an occasional "relationship talk" needs to take place. I can handle that, but I can't handle a woman who always want to discuss the relationship in terms of "where is this going, when and what, explain this and that" - ugh, it drives me crazy!
Unlike alot of other guys, I love romance and like doing little things for a woman. Traditional red roses are too "by the book" for me. I like to add a twist on that and make every gift or thing I do or say a little unique - things that only she and I would get like "inside meanings or jokes" if that makes sense. Ok to say this? I have a high sex drive being a Scorpion so a woman who has an open mind and lots of energy when it comes to intimacy is a huge plus! I love a woman who can be bad (as in naughty) in bed, but yet sweet enough to take over to meet my Mom or can handle herself well at a business cocktail party. A woman who never has pity on me, but yet can lift me up and encourage me when I am down is a wonderful thing. Someone who will stand-by me and support me thru thick and thin. Someone who will love me on a bad day just as much as a good day - unconditional. Someone who I can trust with my heart and always feel it's in safe hands is a beautiful thing.
Are you a Christian? (Had to ask :)
I'm Catholic, but not really active anymore. Growing up we went to church every Sunday and on all the holidays and just about every holy day. These days I've gotten away from that. No reason why I don't attend mass like I once did, perhaps one day I will become more involved again.
I noticed that you didn't put "Christian woman" as a qualification for your future wife. Was that something assumed or is that important to you?
I know some people who are raised to date only within their race or religion put an emphasize on certain things when looking for a mate. Personally, I don't feel that same way. I know a Jewish girl would most likely not date me because I am not Jewish and that is fine, but it's not really important to me what religion someone I date is. I was raised Catholic so if I date or marry someone who is also Catholic, then great, but I don't have a problem dating or marrying someone outside my religion...as long as it's not a problem for her either.
Any other comment you'd like to make?
Most of the computer security advice and tips I gave above focused on Windows mostly because the majority of computer users are on Windows. I hope that this interview was bother informative and entertaining for everyone to read. In no way is a complete look at what I do or who I am as a person, but I think most people already know that a single interview can not reveal everything there is to know about someone. I know thru this interview at times I rambled and at other times I left things out, I apologize for that. Although generally it should give you a somewhat basic idea of what my job is about and a little inside look at who I am. Thanks to Gina for taking the time to write these questions up and I'm flattered that you felt I was a subject worthy of interviewing. It's been fun!
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