Thursday, September 15, 2005

My Amateur PhotoShop Art

I'm not much of an artist and not one to know much about using PhotoShop. That program is DEEP! There is so much to do in it, but for an amateur like me, I tend to just dabble from time to time when I'm bored. Such a bored occasion took place yesterday during one of my work meetings. I simply could not sit and listen to this boring jerk give a presentation any longer. He was about to put me to sleep so I had to do something to appear that I was semi-active in the meeting. I wasn't learning anything new from him, so I decided to teach myself something new - PhotoShop. Behold, my creation!

I like how Andy Warhol did all those portraits with distorted colors. So I did my own self portrait with the same photo I use for my Blogger profile and my AIM account. All the images were created from the original net cam shot which you will see in the middle. Around that is a sketch, negative and other various color combination overlays giving you that psychedelic look. Groovy man!

Like I said, I am an amateur so go kind on critiquing my work here. I know it's not "all that and a bag of chips", but it's at single cheese doodle level at least, right? I hope so. Perhaps during another boring meeting (that I will be zoning out of too), I will perfect my PhotoShop skills and get a little more advanced with some morphs or something to really impress you graphic design pros out there.

Blogger has added a new search feature, powered by my favorite search engine - Google. It's called "Blog Search" (fitting title) at It allows you to search blogs all over the web and includes search options and advanced searches which can tailor the info you are looking for to just one specific blog if you so wish. It's still in beta, which means there are bugs to work out, but I gave it a try to see what good dirt I could dig up by doing a vanity search on the name "DIAMONDKT". Try it on your Blogger name.

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