Monday, October 10, 2005

300th Post Milestone!

Can you believe today marks the 300th post here on my blog? Damn, that's alot of writing! That's also alot of time wasted. Well, I don't know if I would call it "wasted time" if I enjoyed doing it, but like I've said on so many other occasions, I wonder why I keep blogging. Sometimes my heart just really isn't into it and other times I ramble on and never shut up. I guess that's life of the blogger in the blogosphere. Anyways, I wasn't sure how to "celebrate" this 300th post milestone of mine, but I've decided to let it be represented with a 300lb fat dude on his computer. Sexy, huh? He looks like Santa cybering in the nude to me, but I thought it was funny and gross at the same time. Plus, it fit the "300 theme" I'm going for here today. Then again, I bet he is over the 300lb mark, but for argument sake we will say he tips the scale at an even 3.

In the past I've marked the 100th post and my 11,000 hit on the blog (I'm not sure why I picked 11,000 to be the number, but whatever). On a daily basis I average about 80 visits to my blog so that is pretty good I think. Who would of thought any of you would want to keep reading what I post and who would of thought I would keep posting...300 times? Well break out the party maker and cut the cake because this day will only happen once in a lifetime. Like the dramatic statement there? Now is it time for my short speech? Ok, here goes...

Thanks for visiting and all the nice comments. I hope I've made some of you laugh, entertained you and maybe even educated you on the tech world from time to time. As swell as my blog is, there are other blogs out there that should be checked out. So without further ado, here is a quick top 10 list from various bloggers who visit my site and I link to. Don't be offended if I didn't choose you to be on my list. It's nothing personal, honest. These are just some posts off the top of my head that I found to be rather good in my opinion - funny, sweet, educational, blunt, you get the idea. Here is my top 3 in order and the rest are in no particular order, but ALL are worth taking a look at.

If anyone is interested, Blogger has added a "backlinks" option. Personally, I think it's dumb, but you can read about what it is and how you can apply it to your blog at here.

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