Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Handyman Hammock

Even though it's suppose to be fall here, it's still in the 80s and sunny where I live. I'm not complaining, in fact I'm taking advantage of the beautiful weather. I decided to brush-up on my handyman skills this past weekend and put up a hammock in my backyard. It's not a hard task really. The hardest decision making I had to do was deciding on the two joining trees and placing it just far away enough from my rose bushes so that I wouldn't be pestered by bees. What is more relaxing than spending a lazy Sunday afternoon laying on an outdoor hammock with the warm breeze blowing, listening to the chirping of birds and sipping a lemonade? It's a simple beauty and I like it.

Now if my camera phone battery wasn't dead, I would of taken an actual photo of it, but this image is about how it looks...minus this cheesy couple. I bought the XL size hammock, big enough for two people to lay plus some extra room. There are so many types of hammocks these days that it can be a bit overwhelming to choose one. However, I kind of like the old fashion one - the bare basics with just the ropes as opposed to a fabric covered bottom. I think they look better too, but that's just my opinion. My next handyman project will require a little more skill and time to complete. I'm going to put a fireplace in my bedroom. I already have a wood burning fireplace in my living room, but I think I will have to go the electric/gas route for the bedroom fireplace because otherwise it would call for major construction which I am not interested in having take place.

Sure some of the leaves are beginning to fall and a few are starting to even change color, but not enough to convince me the summer is over. The warm weather may not be here for long, but as long as it sticks around, I'm taking advantage of it! Long motorcycle rides, going swimming, eating ice-cream and doing all that good "fun in the sun" stuff. Then once the temp drops, it will be time to warm up indoors in front of the fire. Who says a change of season is bad thing? I wouldn't want it any other way.

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